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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Researchers Richard T. Watson The University of Georgia

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1 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Researchers Richard T. Watson The University of Georgia

2 2 1. Synthesizes the literature Synthesizes –Idea A (authors x, y, z) Rather than reports –Author x idea A Goes forward –Social Sciences Citation Index Does not perpetually seek the golden article

3 3 2. Understands the dilemmas Knows all research is flawed

4 4 Experimental simulations Field experiments Field studies Computer simulations Formal theory Surveys Judgment tasks Laboratory experiments Obtrusive research operations Unobtrusive research operations Universal behavioral systems Particular behavioral systems McGrath’s circumplex A BC

5 5 3. Knows the difference between concepts and variables Other factors affecting concept B Concept AConcept B Operational definition a Operational definition b Other factors affecting operational definition of b

6 6 4. Designs thoughtfully Plays to the strength of the method Pilots Seeks criticism

7 7 Laboratory experiment Settle on precision –A  B Design for control Rule out alternative explanations

8 8 Survey Settle on generalizability Design for representativeness Rule out bias

9 9 Field study Settle on contextual richness Design for authenticity Rule out personal subjectivity

10 10 5. Methodologically strong Experiments and surveys –Statistics Field study –Qualitative techniques Mines the data

11 11 6. Communicates well Writes for reviewers Clarity Exploits productivity tools –Style sheets –Bibliographic software

12 12 7. Resilient Accepts that criticism improves quality Acknowledges that reviewers have a point Adjusts goals

13 13 Concludes Realizes that seven habits is a simplification

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