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Ch. 5 Animal Words 1.Equine Adj. Having the characteristics of horses Equine studies is a branch of the veterinary field that I find interesting because.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 5 Animal Words 1.Equine Adj. Having the characteristics of horses Equine studies is a branch of the veterinary field that I find interesting because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 5 Animal Words 1.Equine Adj. Having the characteristics of horses Equine studies is a branch of the veterinary field that I find interesting because I love horses. 2. Bovine adj. Having the characteristics of cows, oxen The vet specialized in bovine diseases because most of the families in the area were dairy farmers.

2 3.Lupine Adj. Characteristics of a wolf by being hungry or greedy The lupine crowd attacked the platters of cheeses as if they hadn’t eaten in weeks. 4.Ursine Adj. Bear-like, usually a physical description The rather ursine man was tall and husky with a thick beard as well.

3 5. Porcine Adj. Resembling a swine or pig either physically or behaviorally Stuffing several cookies into his porcine face, the obese man smiled contentedly and still wanted more. 6. Simian Adj. Resembles an ape or monkey With simian intensity, the mother sat before her child and carefully picked the leaves from his hair.

4 7.Serpentine Adj. Snake-like in behavior (sly) The serpentine mother put broccoli in her child’s cookies because he wouldn’t eat plain broccoli. 8. Pachyderm N. Thick-skinned, large animals elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus We love to see the pachyderm section at the zoo.

5 9.Avian Adj. Having characteristics of birds On the track, the avian hurdlers glided over the upright hurdle with grace, making it look effortless. 10.Herpetology N. Study of reptiles and amphibians Jeremy is taking several college courses in herpetology because he plans to work with snakes.

6 Chapter 6 Talking about Talking 1.Laconic Adj. Quiet, not wanting to say much Paul is gregarious at home, but in school he is more laconic around his peers. 2.Taciturn Adj. Not willing to say much On a date, who is usually more taciturn, the male or the female?

7 3.Lapidary Adj. Precision of wording in writing style Lines that are quoted often have a lapidary quality which helps us remember them. (To be or not to be) 4.Pithy Adj. Word style that is both brief and forceful To get the reader’s attention and make a point, authors use pithy phrases to break up longer sentences.

8 5.Succinct Adj. Concise (short and clear) speaking or writing In a debate, the response needs to be succinct in order to fit in the allotted time. 6. Terse Adj. Brief, to the point When asked if she could use the car, Lindy’s dad replied with a terse, “No.”

9 7.Garrulous Adj. Talking too much, going on and on Paula would be more effective in presenting her speech if she were succinct rather than garrulous. 8.Prattling Adj./N Chattering meaninglessly A two-year-old’s prattling is cute, but an elderly person’s prattling is annoying.

10 9.Glib Adj. Speaking that is insincere Calli became tired of hearing her boyfriend’s glib promises about going out on a real date. 10.Prolix Adj. Writing or speaking that is too wordy All the red marks on the student’s paper were to help him recognize his prolix writing style.

11 11.Maundering Adj. Talk in a rambling way—just keeps going on and on Joe became impatient with his friend’s maundering talk about the new car he got for his birthday. Vocab Practice For the words in ch. 5, draw a picture of the animal next to the word.(I am not grading the quality of your drawing-just the concept). With the words in ch. 6, place them on a scale and order them from most talkative to least talkative, then explain why you placed it there.

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