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Economic security of enterprise.. By economic security of the enterprise (ESE) we mean the state of protection of it’s vital interests from internal and.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic security of enterprise.. By economic security of the enterprise (ESE) we mean the state of protection of it’s vital interests from internal and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic security of enterprise.

2 By economic security of the enterprise (ESE) we mean the state of protection of it’s vital interests from internal and external threats to ensure its stability in the present and future.

3 There are functional components of (ESE) Technological component; Intellectual and human resources component; Financial component; Political and legal component; Environmental component; The power component.

4 Financial component. It is the most important, as the financial stability of the company says about their own financial resources, the level of their use, the direction of placement. Financial stability is closely linked with the efficiency of production, as well as the outcomes of the enterprise. The reasons for the loss of an economic entity financial stability are: reduction of production volume, unprofitable operations, high production costs, poor planning and asset management, force majeure. To maintain the stability necessary to use a financial strategy that is planning for specific tasks and ways of their realization in the financial- economic activity of enterprise (company, organization). You can select the following strategic objectives: to improve their products, reducing costs, achieving efficiency at the lowest cost, providing a sufficient level of profitability.

5 Intellectual and human resource component. In the current economic conditions the level of economic security to a large extent depends on the skill and professionalism of staff. Therefore, the company should be created a flexible management structure, organized system of recruitment, hiring, training and motivation of employees. Management personnel of the enterprise must constantly analyze the state's economic security, and it should also be trained in crisis situations.

6 Technical and technological component. By providing economic security management needs to analyze whether the company used technology with modern international standards, what technologies are used in other enterprises manufacturing similar products, to search for internal reserves to improve the technology used, to monitor new developments.

7 Political and legal component. The process is carried out like: - Analysis of threats to the negative influences; - Assessment of current levels of support; - Planning of complex activities to raise that level. The negative impact can be divided into internal and external. In analyzing the domestic impact should be considered as sufficient qualification level of workers' legal services, at what level funded legal support. When a negative external effect causes of instability can be political (military conflicts, economic and political blockade, etc.), and legislative and legal.

8 Information component. An organization or entity shall be composed of certain services that deal with the accumulation and protection of information. The purpose of these services is to accumulate all the necessary information concerning the activities of an entity (the information about all types of markets, the necessary technical information on trends in national and world economy). After accumulating the data should be analyzed and the results of this analysis should be a forecast of trends in scientific, technical, economic and political processes in the enterprise. The enterprise must be organized in a strict system of access to information that would include the following: - Provision of password entry in the database system: registration, appointment and change of passwords; - Definition of access rights groups and individuals, that is the definition of allowable operations on data; - Testing of data protection; - Fixation of unauthorized access to information; - A study of emerging cases of violation of data protection and implementation of measures to prevent them.

9 The environmental component. In order for a business entity is protected from losses arising due to penalties for violation of environmental regulations, the closure of markets for products companies in other countries with more stringent standards of environmental cleanliness of the goods, he must adhere to national and international standards of minimum acceptable content of harmful substances, entering the environment, as well as to monitor the environmental parameters of their products.

10 The power component. The company shall be protected physically, that is, must be protected by his staff, particularly managers, property. The Security Service should be always ready to overcome any critical situation caused by a criminal motives and conduct of unfair competition from other businesses.

11 Conclusion: After analyzing all the functional components, it can be concluded that to ensure the economic security of the enterprise (organization, firm) from the influence of subjective and objective reasons, management must make decisions with the same speed with which adverse changes occur, and be able to foresee them.

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