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The Active Community: Living Local Engagement Maureen Browne and Deborah Hickey, Step Forward Disability Group, Hospital Family Resource Centre (FRC),

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Presentation on theme: "The Active Community: Living Local Engagement Maureen Browne and Deborah Hickey, Step Forward Disability Group, Hospital Family Resource Centre (FRC),"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Active Community: Living Local Engagement Maureen Browne and Deborah Hickey, Step Forward Disability Group, Hospital Family Resource Centre (FRC), County Limerick. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

2 Step Forward  Why the group exists. All of the group either have a disability, care for a family member with a disability or have an interest in disability issues; Step Forward Disability Group has being active in the community for over 11 years. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

3 Step Forward The group meets twice a month and is most grateful to  Hospital Family Resource Centre  Rural Bus for Transport  HSE West for funding DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

4 Why Step Forward Group Disability Group came together  To be involved with others who have a disability to share experiences and access supports.  All live in rural communities in Limerick and Cork and have experienced the unique isolation that people with disabilities encounter living in small towns & rural areas. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

5 Step Forward The aims of the group are:  To create a greater awareness in general of the existence and needs of those with disabilities.  To change attitudes to disability & raise accessibility to an acceptable standard for all.  To raise awareness of the issues impacting people with disabilities at local, regional and national level to influence change.  Access support & learn from each other. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

6 Step Forward – Values  We believe all people should be treated equally and with respect and unconditional acceptance. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

7 Step Forward – Strategy  To train ourselves  To share information  To lobby national governing bodies  To raise awareness of the issues that impact people with disabilities in the community.  To network with other groups at a local, regional and national level. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

8 Step Forward – Committee Involvement  Management committee of Hospital Family Resource Centre.  DFI & HSE Mid West Regional Disability Sub Committee.  Ballyhoura Development Ltd.  Mobile IT.  Rainbows Volunteer.  Disability Advocacy Steering committee. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

9 Work completed by the group over the last 11 years….  Ongoing capacity building within the group.  Campaign to raise awareness on access issues with footpaths and parking.  Election Manifesto - Local & National.  Community access audits.  Presentation to Limerick County Council.  National VISPA Award for accessible community services. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

10 Work to date continued.  Work with local TY Students to share learning around disabilities.  Position Papers: Rural Transport, HSE cutbacks, need for more Trust and Accountability in the Disability Sector.  Social Events, Day Trips etc.  Information events: mental health, disability advocacy, citizen’s information. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

11 Step Forward – The Future  To support existing members of the group and welcome new members as the needs arise.  To continue to raise awareness on issues which impact on people with disabilities: cut backs to services, closure of post offices, banks, shops, rural transport etc.  To continue to access supports from Hospital Family Resource Centre, Rural Bus and HSE West.  To work to ensure the group is maintained and developed going forward so that it grows stronger in the future. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

12 Step Forward Disability Group Thank you Any Questions?

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