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Bob`s Worst Summer Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Jayden Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Bob`s Worst Summer Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Jayden Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bob`s Worst Summer Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Jayden Smith

2 Once upon a time there was a bear named Bob.

3 He is black with a brown nose. He is 8 years old. He is in grade 2.

4 The setting is in Canada in British Columbia in Kamloops in the east.

5 He was picking berries but he slips a lot. (I’LL say)

6 He was picking berries because it’s fun. He slipped because he was sweating.

7 He sweats so much that there puddles under his feet. He slips a lot.

8 Because, in the summer he is too hot.

9 He tells the people he is sweating.

10 Then people don’t call him Slippy-do any more.

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