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P. Ferreira, UIUC Rogers, UIUC, Yoon et. al. Nat. Mat. 7, 907-915 (2008) Material-scale Heterogeneous Functional Integration Reduce the c-Si (or other.

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Presentation on theme: "P. Ferreira, UIUC Rogers, UIUC, Yoon et. al. Nat. Mat. 7, 907-915 (2008) Material-scale Heterogeneous Functional Integration Reduce the c-Si (or other."— Presentation transcript:

1 P. Ferreira, UIUC Rogers, UIUC, Yoon et. al. Nat. Mat. 7, 907-915 (2008) Material-scale Heterogeneous Functional Integration Reduce the c-Si (or other active materials) by 2 or 3 orders of magnitude Integrate multiple functions and create scalable manufacturing approach CONCEPT Rogers, UIUC, Yoon et. al. Nat. Mat. 7, 907-915 (2008) Real estate for other functional Elements for storage & inversion MANUF.APPROACH CHALLENGES Scale up of Manufacturing Materials Design Thermal Management Reliability

2 P. Ferreira, UIUC Large-Area Nano-patterning Increasing efficiency of conversion of radiant energy, decrease material use CONCEPT Figure taken from Nick Fang, UIUC Increase coupling with different wavelengths Orthogonal transport of photons and electrons MANUF. APPROACH Development of economic, non-vacuum, large-area patterning techniques Direct patterning of metals Examples Direct write methods ( see Park, et. al. Nat Matl. 6:10, 782-789, 2007 ) Superionic stamping ( see Hsu et. al. Nano Lett. 7:2, p446, 2007 ) Imprint lithography CHALLENGES Nano-patterning meter-scale areas on a dime Process robustness Reliability and Lifecycle issues

3 Manufacturing Anti-Icing Surfaces for Windmills W.P. King, University of Illinois and Hoowaki LLC - Windmills do not function when ice coated - Icing limits where windmills can be built - Existing paints and coatings not good enough - Microstructures can significantly mitigate icing - Manufacturing requirements: -scalable to large areas - curved surfaces - inexpensive materials and processes

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