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Building political support to fight cancer Hildrun Sundseth ECPC Head of EU Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Building political support to fight cancer Hildrun Sundseth ECPC Head of EU Policy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Building political support to fight cancer Hildrun Sundseth ECPC Head of EU Policy

3 Cancer is Everyone’s Concern Cancer remains a major contributor to the burden of disease in Europe The number of cancer cases in Europe continue to rise each year The cost in human, social and economic terms is enormous

4 Cancer Care: Complex and Expensive Need for sustained investment Human resources Physical structures Knowledge resources Social resources Research

5 Present Situation Health care in many EU countries is fragmented Inefficiencies, bureaucracy, lack of co-ordination, vested interests Primary/secondary care, many professional disciplines, stakeholders and institutions Health care reform may lead to more fragmentation, under-serving the people most in need Lack of strategic approach to cancer

6 The Battle Plan: Comprehensive Strategy and united Actors Common comprehensive plan/strategy Allies and experts Ability to present a united front Mobilise all of society EU Task force to guide, collaborate and coordinate

7 The Battle Plan Invest in primary prevention –Ban smoking in public places –Reduce life-style risk factors –Create clean environments Secondary prevention –Implement evidence and population-based screening programmes Integrated cancer control centered on the patient –Diagnose early, refer quickly, treatment plan, –Work in Multi-disciplinary teams, provide psycho-social care Invest in Research

8 The EU level - Strategic Develop coherent European measures that complement national policies Integrate health in all policies - get rid of silo mentality of institutions Coordinate and share best practice Develop evidence based policies and guidelines Fund research on cancer epidemiology, detection, diagnosis, treatment, palliative care and psycho-social care, translational research and rare cancers European Centres of Excellence/Reference

9 Making Cancer a Priority Europe against Cancer Programme ended 2002 Council Recommendation on Cancer Screening 2003 EU new Health Strategy - Prevention MEPs against Cancer started in 2005 MAC Statement and EP Written Declaration European Parliament Resolution Slovenian EU Presidency initiative

10 MAC Members

11 Caroline Lucas Fiona Hall Prof. Antonios Trakatellis Milan Cabrnoch Marian Harkin Irena Belohorska Franςoise Grossetête Jan Olbrycht Jorgo Chatzimarkakis Linda McAvan

12 MAC Members Miroslav Ouzky Jaroslav Zvěřina Edite Estrela Glenis Willmot Jolanta Dickute Colm Burke Marios Matsakis Christel Schaldemose D. Roth-Behrendt Alexander Radwan Satu Hassi Magor Csibi Elisabeth Morin Ingo Friedrich Ilda Figueiredo Dragos Florin David



15 Title Text

16 ? Cancer patients are waiting... June 2008 Si.nergy for Europe Thank you Slovenia Thank you All

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