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Lars Juhl Jensen Biomedical text mining. exponential growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Lars Juhl Jensen Biomedical text mining. exponential growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lars Juhl Jensen Biomedical text mining

2 exponential growth



5 ~45 seconds per paper

6 information retrieval

7 named entity recognition

8 augmented browsing

9 text corpora

10 information extraction

11 information retrieval

12 find the relevant papers

13 ad hoc retrieval

14 user-specified query

15 “yeast AND cell cycle”

16 PubMed


18 indexing

19 fast lookup

20 stemming

21 word endings

22 dynamic query expansion

23 MeSH terms

24 Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1 homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this modification served as a priming step to promote subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1 hyperphosphorylation and degradation

25 no tool will find that

26 named entity recognition

27 computer

28 as smart as a dog

29 teach it specific tricks



32 identify the concepts

33 Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1 homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this modification served as a priming step to promote subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1 hyperphosphorylation and degradation

34 comprehensive lexicon

35 proteins

36 chemicals

37 compartments

38 tissues

39 diseases

40 organisms

41 CDC2

42 cyclin dependent kinase 1

43 orthographic variation

44 upper- and lower-case

45 CDC2

46 Cdc2

47 spaces and hyphens

48 cyclin dependent kinase 1

49 cyclin-dependent kinase 1

50 prefixes and postfixes

51 CDC2

52 hCDC2

53 “black list”

54 SDS

55 scalable implementation

56 text corpora

57 >10 km <10 hours

58 most use Medline

59 ~22 million abstracts

60 few use full-text articles

61 no access

62 PDF files


64 layout-aware extraction

65 millions of full-text articles

66 information extraction

67 formalize the facts

68 Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1 homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this modification served as a priming step to promote subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1 hyperphosphorylation and degradation

69 two approaches

70 co-mentioning

71 counting

72 within documents

73 within paragraphs

74 within sentences

75 co-mentioning score

76 NLP Natural Language Processing

77 grammatical analysis

78 part-of-speech tagging

79 multiword detection

80 semantic tagging

81 sentence parsing

82 Gene and protein names Cue words for entity recognition Verbs for relation extraction [ nxexpr The expression of [ nxgene the cytochrome genes [ nxpg CYC1 and CYC7]]] is controlled by [ nxpg HAP1]

83 extract stated facts

84 high precision

85 poor recall

86 Exercise Go to Find TYMS disease associations Inspect the text-mining evidence Look for examples of synonym usage Find genes linked to colorectal cancer

87 thank you!

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