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Level 3 Muon Software Paul Balm Muon Vertical Review May 22, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Level 3 Muon Software Paul Balm Muon Vertical Review May 22, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 3 Muon Software Paul Balm Muon Vertical Review May 22, 2000

2 Paul Balm2 Outline Level 3 Muon Software overview Software status –available tools & filters –future tools & filters –getting ready for roll-in Conclusions

3 May 22, 2000Paul Balm3 L3 Muon Software Trigger decisions are made by filters @ 1kHz Filters obtain the info they need from tools Examples of tools: –unpacking tool, tracking tool, tool for matching muon with central tracks Filters run by ScriptRunner So:A tool finds a track, a filter decides whether the quality is high enough to pass the event.

4 May 22, 2000Paul Balm4 Improvements over L2

5 May 22, 2000Paul Balm5 Available Tools Unpacking tool L3TMuoUnpack –accesses raw data & transforms it into ‘Hits’, skipping intermediate stages (UnpDataChunk) Local tracking tool L3TMuoLocal –calls unpacking tool –local tracking: muon system only –tracking done by “offline” algorithms (muo_segmentreco & muo_trackreco)

6 May 22, 2000Paul Balm6 Foreseen tools Unpacking –now done for all of the detector - probably timing inefficient –a seed provided by L2 would allow regional unpacking –need a tool as interface Calorimeter track matching Exploitation of scintillator times

7 May 22, 2000Paul Balm7 Filters Filters are not the responsibility of the muon ID group and should not be covered by the Review We need them to test our tools: –“hit filter” (are there any hits?), “track filter” We are thinking about them anyway (a little bit)

8 May 22, 2000Paul Balm8 Roadmap to roll-in The stages all tools need to pass: –basic implementation –timing and efficiency measurement –final implementation –study of behavior as function of alg. parameters (behavior = rates and efficiencies) Will go through all stages with basic set of tools first –unpacking & local tracking tool - stage 2

9 May 22, 2000Paul Balm9 Milestones No milestones exist as specific as needed for this work Official milestones set: –L2 inputs to L3 defined (April 2000) designed but not fixed (to my knowledge) –Availability of raw data generated by MC (April 2000). Currently being tested –Level 3 hardware: one full chain operational Has already been met...

10 May 22, 2000Paul Balm10 Conclusions Current status of software: –Basic tools implemented –Efficiency/timing measurements on their way –We’re able to “see” raw data, no filtering on quality (yet!) Roadmap to roll-in –Milestones set by management not specific enough (- and they’ve all passed…) –Schedule does not look too tight

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