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October 14, 2011 South Carolina Integrity Strategic Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "October 14, 2011 South Carolina Integrity Strategic Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 14, 2011 South Carolina Integrity Strategic Plan

2  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Wage Cross Match Program Malfunction  Failure to provide proper instructions  Claimant Causes  Fraud  Failure to follow instructions  Employer Causes  Non-participation in reporting New Hires 2

3  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned action(s) to address:  Launch BARTS  Launch of employer portal for reporting earnings  Employer/Claimant Educational Campaign  On-Demand Wage Crossmatch Principal milestones:  BARTS and Employer portal in production (October 2011)  Claimant focus groups (October 2011)  Partner with DSS to promote use of New Hire database (1st Quarter 2012)  Begin employer seminars (Early 2012) 3

4  Separations (SEPs): Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Failure to enter employer response into system timely  Failure to obtain detailed separation information  Claimant Causes  Failure to provide accurate work history  Failure to provide true separation reason  Failure to provide correct wages earned  Employer Causes  Failure to respond to requests  Failure to report timely  Failure to provide substantial evidence of misconduct 4

5  Separations:  Planned action(s) to address:  Electronic Requests for Separation Information  Development of new staff training and tracking mechanisms  Employer Seminars  Principal milestones:  SCBOS NET101 launched August 2011  Promotion of NET101 4th quarter 2011  Development of new training program early 2012 5

6  Work Search Issues: Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Allowing Group Eligibility Reviews  No way to verify job contacts  Lack of training for staff conducting Eligibility Reviews  Failure to provide proper instructions  Claimant Causes  Not completing Work Search Form  Failure to Look for Work  Missing Eligibility Review  Failure to follow instructions 6

7  Work Search Issues :  Planned action(s) to address:  Not allow group ERs  Complete random ERs to increase quality and decrease quantity  Properly train staff to conduct ERs  Principal milestones:  Cease the conduction of group ERs (early 2012)  Implement random ERs (early 2012)  Implement Training on conducting quality reviews (ongoing) 7

8 8  Issue 1: Poor Quality Fact Finding  Root cause(s) identified:  BTQ scores for many offices low leading to potential overpayments  Planned action(s) to address issue  Implement a digital fact-finding program on front end of claims taking process  Regionalize fact-finding to ensure consistency in training and outcomes  Principle milestones  Procure digital fact finding software 2012  Pilot project in Midlands region late 2011

9 9  Issue 2: Antiquated Technology  Root cause(s) identified:  Inability to create on demand cross matches with different databases (I.e., retirement systems)  Lack of agreements with other agencies to run cross matches  Lack of staff to analyze overpayment data  Inability to extract necessary data for analysis  Planned action(s) to address issue  Create more easily accessible database in upgraded programming language  Generate reports specific to overpayments  Dedicate more staff to analyze overpayment data  Principle milestones  Launch new overpayment database (2012)  Train dedicated staff (early 2012)

10  Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity:  Encourage every staff member …  DEWsletter quarterly to report on integrity data and projects (Winter 2011)  Breakout session at annual conference to highlight importance of integrity for all staff (Winter 2011)  Develop processes …  Every staff member should be required to receive an orientation on integrity. This could be done electronically (Summer 2012)  Maintain management oversight…  Develop reports on overpayments by local office and target additional training as necessary (Spring 2012) 10

11  Communications Strategies:  To claimants  New fraud posters in local offices and county libraries (Nov 2011)  How to report earnings worksheet online with weekly certification (Oct 2011)  Focus groups to develop better messages and better placement (Winter 2011)  To employers  Seminars addressing how reducing overpayments saves businesses money (Spring 2012)  Banner ads on regional business websites/newsletters (Winter 2011) 11

12  Communications Strategies, Continued:  To state UI staff  Quarterly DEWsleter on Integrity (Winter 2011)  Part of training sessions with staff (Winter 2011)  To the public  Potential radio and social media advertising in conjunction with claimant education campaign (Spring 2012)  To state leaders (Governor, state legislature, etc.)  Submission of integrity plan (Oct 2011)  Testify at committee hearing (Nov 2011) 12

13  Killer App: Wage Cross Match On Demand  Description of Issue:  BYE detected late in claim series leading to high value of overpayment.  Description of Solution:  OnDemand Wage Crossmatch with Wage Records.  Anticipated results:  Identify potential conflicts earlier in claims series  Improper payment reduction: 5% 13

14 “Integrity: Own It!”  Questions?  State Contact for follow-up: Erica Von Nessen: Phone: 803-737-3089 14

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