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Review of the National Development Plan 9 Is it MDG Based? Botswana Presentation.

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1 Review of the National Development Plan 9 Is it MDG Based? Botswana Presentation

2 Important national planning milestones Vision 2016 Aspirations of the nation for the year 2016 which are more ambitious than the MDG goals National Development Plan 9 (NDP9) 2003-2008: 6 year plan Mid term review 2005 Annual Project Review October of previous year Budget Speech February National Poverty Reduction Strategy (NSPR) Strategy itself is not time bound as a Policy document However projects within the Strategy are to be implemented within the NDP 9 period

3 Is the NDP 9 MDG based? Ambition Its is based on Vision 2016 Vision 2016 is well aligned with the MDGs and in fact is more ambitious than the MDGs

4 Scope: is NDP 9 aligned with all the MDGs? It is aligned with the following goals: Goal 1: Poverty and hunger (as per the NSPR) Goal 2: Universal primary education (as per RNPE) Goal 3: Gender inequality (as per SADC protocol on Gender) Goal 4: Child mortality (as per NPP and NSF) Goal 5: Maternal health (as per NPP and NSF) Goal 6: HIV/AIDs, malaria and other diseases (as per HIV/AIDs policy) Goal 7: Environment (Yes) Goal 8: Global partnerships (yes in progress)

5 Rigor-are the targets substantiated with analysis of needed inputs? Not done for all sectors completed-environment, HIV/AIDS, education, Health Some sector reviews ongoing e.g. gender, etc.

6 Timeframe-grounded in a long term assessment of needs? Based on vision 2016 goals, NDP9(2003 – 2008) strategies, programmes and projects were target were formulated Annual budget supports implementation of the NDP9

7 What are the major challenges? Establish issues of: Information availability Data requirements to facilitate monitoring and evaluation Qualitative research in all sectors Time bound milestones and check points Financing of the process of MDG based planning

8 What are the next steps MDG audits of the NDP 9 Identification of information requirements for an MDG based national plan particularly in the area of poverty Finalisation of Poverty Assessment Preparation of a poverty map Socio-economic database Time series data on basic indicators Needs assessment to determine the key financial and human resource needs in attainment of goals Develop a sound monitoring and evaluation system for tracking progress towards attaining the goals

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