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Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 150 Nd Project Why not 150 Nd experiments so far ? Bolometers requirements Nd crystals Time schedule Working.

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Presentation on theme: "Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 150 Nd Project Why not 150 Nd experiments so far ? Bolometers requirements Nd crystals Time schedule Working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 150 Nd Project Why not 150 Nd experiments so far ? Bolometers requirements Nd crystals Time schedule Working group’s

2 Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 Why not 150 Nd Experiment so far ? Bolometer Experiments : Low temperature behavior of Nd-Based compounds Tracking Experiments:Cost and feasibility of isotopic enrichment Vogel,Elliot Tracking Experiments :Cost and feasibility of isotopic enrichment

3 Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 Bolometers requirements Requirements: Low thermal capacitance Non-Paramagnetic No nuclear spin Unfortunately Nd has both paramagnetism and Nuclear spin Nd 3+ Ion is 4 I 9/2 143 Nd and 145 Nd have I=7/2 But there are some chances

4 Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 Nd crystals Particular interest for NdGaO 3  Paramagnetic heat capacitance negligible for T< 100 mK

5 Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 Nd crystals II Nuclear specific heat Saved by the relaxation Times T  6.7 10 12 s

6 Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 Working Groups Bolometric tests on surface Como Firenze Leiden (Detector development) Specific heat carachterization (Demagnetization cooling) Bolometric tests deep undergroound Milano (LNGS) Tests on large bolometers Jyväskylä University, Finland Tübingen Germany Comenius University, Slovakia IN2P3 – CNRS, France Sensitivity Evaluation Tracking Experiment Crystal choice

7 Stefano Pirro, IDEA Meeting Como April, 8 2004 Program & Milestones First year Study on low temperature specific heat of Nd compounds ( NdF 3 – NdGaO 3 ) Study of bolometric behaviour of NdF 3 and NdGaO 3 bolometers Production of bolometric thermistors (NTD Ge) (in collaboration with WG 6 ) Travel & subsistence Consumables LHe for dilution refrigerators (MI-LNGS, Leiden Como, Firenze) Liquid Nitrogen (Leiden, Como,Firenze) Pure gases (Mi-LNGS, Leiden, Como,Firenze) Material for detectors (wires, glues, resins, small crystals) External Services Preparation of detector holders (Mi-LNGS, Como,Firenze) Meetings and contacts within WP 13000 4000 3000 25000 7000 3000 Total 55000

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