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August 29, 2010 TechMed Summit 2010: “Get Ready for Success in Health IT” November 11 th, 2010 HIT Session – Day 2 Presented by: Paula J. Magnanti, MT(ASCP)

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Presentation on theme: "August 29, 2010 TechMed Summit 2010: “Get Ready for Success in Health IT” November 11 th, 2010 HIT Session – Day 2 Presented by: Paula J. Magnanti, MT(ASCP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 29, 2010 TechMed Summit 2010: “Get Ready for Success in Health IT” November 11 th, 2010 HIT Session – Day 2 Presented by: Paula J. Magnanti, MT(ASCP) Founder & Managing Principal Strategic Healthcare Solutions

2 AGENDA Welcome Government Initiatives: brief review of HIT Session - Day 1 A New Day in Healthcare for America: “Affordable Care Act” Strategic Healthcare Overview of Target Markets Organizations for Support: Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Getting Started: Profiling and Targeting Top Healthcare Accounts Alignment with Physicians for Clinical Workflows Looking towards the future Healthcare Echo System Next Steps Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

3 August 29, 2010 Welcome November 11 th, 2010 HIT Session – Day 2

4 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Government Initiatives: a brief review of HIT Session Day 1

5 November 2nd, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT ARRA HITECH HEALTHCARE REFORM ACO~ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS HIE's, HIO's, RHIO's REC~REGIONAL EXTENSION CENTERS The National Healthcare Landscape MEANINGFUL USE CCHIT, EHR's, PHR's BEACON COMMUNITIES PATIENT-CENTERED MEDICAL HOMES HIPAA 5010, HIPAA HITECH ICD10 – The International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Revision 10

6 National Healthcare Legislation: Review ARRA - $787 Billion, February 17, 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act HITECH - $ 25.8 Billion Health IT, February 17, 2009 The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) Meaningful Use – Final Rule, July 13 th, 2010 EHR Adoption starting 2011: 15 Core Objectives for Phase 1 staring January 2011 Beacon Communities – Pilot grants for 17 Communities $13.8 M-Cincinnati HealthBridge, Inc, $16.8M- Southeastern Michigan Health Association Regional Extension Center – 60 (REC’s) in the US EHR Adoption to Physicians and HIE Statewide Framework Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

7 National Healthcare Legislation: Websites Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

8 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT A New Day in Healthcare for America: “Affordable Care Act”

9 National Healthcare Legislation “AFFORDABLE CARE ACT”: March 30, 2010; H.R. 3590 The comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010. The law in two parts: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act on March 30, 2010. The name “Affordable Care Act” is used to refer to the final, amended version of the law. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 directs the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to create a national voluntary program for accountable care organizations (ACOs) by January 2012. ACOs are provider groups that accept responsibility for the cost and quality of care delivered to a specific population of patients cared for by the groups’ clinicians. Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT source:

10 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Strategic Healthcare Overview of Target Markets

11 HIMSS Local Chapters Reseller National HIMSS TechData Enterprise Hospitals Medium Hospitals CAH-Critical Access Hospitals Beacon Communities Patient Centered Medical Homes HIE Health Information Exchange HIO Health Information Organization Regional Extension Centers Accountable Care Organizations HIMSS Board Strategy Strategic TOP Accounts C-Level Introductions CMIO’s Physicians Executives Practice Administrators Strategic Healthcare Solutions PHO’s IPA’s EHR Adoption 1. Family Medicine 2. Internal Medicine 3. Cardiology 4. Pediatrics 5. Chiropractors 6. Dentists Compliance Regulations HIPAA Security Standards HL7 Strategic Initiatives HIPAA 5010

12 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Organizations for Support: Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

13 NEHIMSS New England HIMSS Networking Strategy 1. Physicians 2. CIO, CMIO 3. C-Suite 4. HIT How to use the Power of LinkedIn to Building Relationships and Trust over time.

14 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Getting Started: Profiling and Targeting Top Accounts

15 How to get Started? BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS…BUILDING TRUST The Healthcare industry is changing it’s entire national landscape effecting healthcare IT, payers, providers, physicians, enforcing meaningful use incentives, privacy and security as well as the strengthening of legal enforcement trends. This is the most exciting and challenging time the healthcare industry has faced in decades! Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

16 How to get Started? Identify your C-Level Healthcare Executives Align with the Transformation of the National Landscape Understanding the Changing Role of Physicians, the Healthcare CIO, and CMIO Legal Enforcement Trends and Compliance Healthcare Practice: partnering with Healthcare Experts Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

17 How to get Started? Healthcare Target Accounts: Top Health Accounts Healthcare Practice: Identify who’s your target? Physician & Hospital Profiling, knowing your customer? Integrating a CRM and Marketing Campaigns Embracing the new landscape: Healthcare Industry Market Development, Networking, events and shows! Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

18 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Target Markets: Hospital & Physician Organizations

19 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT How far Along are Healthcare Providers in Using an Electronic Health Record System? source: CompTIA, “Second Annual Helathcare IT Insights and Opportunities Study”

20 Hospital Organizations: CY 2010 Enterprise Hospitals (500 – 600 beds) Medium Hospitals (250 – 500 beds) Community Hospitals (100 – 250 beds) Critical Access Hospitals (25 – 50 beds) Community Health Centers Rural Health Centers & Clinics Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

21 Physician Organizations: CY 2010 Solo Physician Practices (1-2) Small Physician Practices (2-10) Independent Physician Practices(IP’s) Independent Physician Associations(IPA’s) Physician Hospital Organizations (PHO’s) Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

22 Physician Organizations: CY 2015 Accountable Care Models Patient-Centered Medial Homes Integrated Delivery Systems Multispecialty Group Practices Virtual Physician Organizations Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

23 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Alignment with Physicians for Clinical Workflows

24 How EHR’s Improve Care? Practice Management Chart Management Communications Improved Workflow Processes Quality Reporting measures for Incentives Empowers Patient care Reduces Medical Errors Ensures Best Practices Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

25 Clinical IT Adoption Process Planning DesignImplementationTraining Go-Live Support / Improvement

26 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Looking towards the Future

27 Summary: Future of Healthcare Universal Access Integrated Delivery Systems IT Infrastructure Transparency Quality Improvements Cost Containment Accountability Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

28 Looking Towards the Future Patient Centric Healthcare Patient-Centered Medical Homes Accountable Care Organizations Virtualized Healthcare Enterprises Paperless: Digitized Medical Records m-Health: integration of wireless mobile technology for healthcare providers Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT 2015

29 Next Steps: Assess, Plan and Execute Plan your Healthcare Strategy Create your Roadmap Partner with your Healthcare Champions Identify your new targets: Hospital or Physician Create your Value Proposition Messaging: Create a well thought out Healthcare Message, emails, Newsletters Attend Networking event, Seminars and Shows Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT

30 August 29, 2010 Healthcare national landscape effecting healthcare IT Thank You! Contact Us: Paula J. Magnanti, MT(ASCP) Founder & Managing Principal STRATEGIC HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS 617.852.5564 cell "Your Healthcare Advisor Executive"

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