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Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect Notes. What we want to know? What is climate change? What is the greenhouse effect? How will climate change affect.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect Notes. What we want to know? What is climate change? What is the greenhouse effect? How will climate change affect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect Notes

2 What we want to know? What is climate change? What is the greenhouse effect? How will climate change affect the earth? How will it affect me? What can I do about it? Any other questions?

3 Basics of Manmade Climate Change  Earth has existed for 4.5 billion years.  Earth’s climate has changed due to natural cycles in the past.  Many times, these cycles push the Earth to extreme environments and climates.  However, human activities have introduced new impacts to our environments we can’t ignore.  These human activities are increasing greenhouse gases that enhance and have an impact on Earth’s climate.  If nothing is done, these changes will reach a tipping point of no return.

4 What is the Earth’s Atmosphere made of?

5 Where is the atmosphere most dense?  The atmosphere is most dense at the Earth’s surface.  The atmosphere gets less dense the farther you are from the earth’s surface.

6 Why doesn’t the atmosphere float away?  The earth’s gravity holds onto it (just like you!)

7 The Earth’s Atmosphere Troposphere  The lowest layer of the atmosphere (the troposphere) contains 90% of the atmosphere’s mass and is where the weather occurs.


9 The Earth’s Atmosphere Stratosphere  Stratosphere contains the ozone layer (0)  Stratosphere contains the ozone layer (0 3 )  0 absorbs UV radiation  0 3 absorbs UV radiation  Ozone is bad for us to breathe but good in the stratosphere


11 Solar Radiation And why it’s important

12 What is solar radiation? Solar radiation is energy from the sun

13 What is solar radiation?  Energy from the sun  Electromagnetic waves (type of energy that can move through space)  Comes in different wavelengths  Generally, the shorter the wavelength the more “intense” (higher energy) the radiation

14 Why is solar radiation important?  Is the basis of nearly all food chains  Keeps our earth warm  Drives all wind and weather  Important to understand climate change

15 Wavelength Sizes Solar Radiation

16 The three types of solar radiation are: 1. Ultra-violet (UV), which is short wavelengths and harmful. The ozone layer protects us from UV rays.

17 The three types of solar radiation are: 2. Visible light (what humans see). Wavelengths are longer

18 Three types of solar radiation are: 3. Infrared radiation (what we feel as heat). These are really, really long wavelengths and important to understand for greenhouse effect. These are what greenhouse gases ABSORB.

19 What happens when solar radiation strikes Earth? 1. 50% of solar radiation is absorbed by the earth’s surface (as heat energy) 2. 20% absorbed by atmosphere 3.30% reflected back into outer space 4.We’re interested in the heat absorption part of our atmosphere.

20 Then what happens? This absorbed heat energy is eventually transferred back to the atmosphere through infrared radiation. These were the really long wavelengths. This absorbed heat energy is eventually transferred back to the atmosphere through infrared radiation. These were the really long wavelengths. Greenhouse gases, such as Greenhouse gases, such as CO 2,CH 4, N 2 O, H 2 O and O 3 are good absorbers of infrared radiation – that’s why these are considered “greenhouse gases!” When they absorb infrared radiation, the atmosphere becomes warmer – this is the greenhouse effect!

21 Similar to a car on a hot day…. Light energy easily passes through the windshield, but the longer wavelength infrared radiation that is re-transmitted by the car’s interior can’t escape through the glass very well – thus the car heats up! The car behaves like the Earth The windshield acts like the atmosphere


23 What is a Greenhouse? A greenhouse is a little house made of glass or plastic windows.

24 What is a greenhouse? (cont’d) Sunlight comes in warming the air inside the greenhouse. Heat can’t escape because of the windows. A greenhouse is warmer than the air outside. People can grow plants in greenhouses in the winter because it’s warm inside the greenhouse. Sunlight comes in warming the air inside the greenhouse. Heat can’t escape because of the windows. A greenhouse is warmer than the air outside. People can grow plants in greenhouses in the winter because it’s warm inside the greenhouse.

25 The Greenhouse Effect on Earth Earth’s atmosphere acts like a greenhouse. It lets sunlight in and the sunlight warms the air. The atmosphere traps the warm air – like a greenhouse! Earth’s atmosphere acts like a greenhouse. It lets sunlight in and the sunlight warms the air. The atmosphere traps the warm air – like a greenhouse!

26 The Greenhouse Effect on the Earth

27 What are greenhouse gases? These are the gases in the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation and hold in the heat and make the greenhouse effect happen. These are the gases in the atmosphere that absorb infrared radiation and hold in the heat and make the greenhouse effect happen.

28 What are the greenhouse gases? These gases are: CO 2 CO 2 Carbon dioxide CH 4 Methane N 2 ONitrous Oxide H 2 OWater

29 Distribution of Greenhouse Gases in Earth’s Atmosphere

30 What’s the big deal with Greenhouse Effect? We NEED the greenhouse effect to live!!! We NEED the greenhouse effect to live!!! Without the greenhouse Without the greenhouse effect, the whole earth would effect, the whole earth would be below freezing every night! be below freezing every night! The plants would freeze and The plants would freeze and die. There would be no die. There would be no oxygen. oxygen. We would all DIE! We would all DIE!

31 The Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is similar to a car on a hot day. The most common greenhouse gas is CO The greenhouse effect is similar to a car on a hot day. The most common greenhouse gas is CO 2 (carbon dioxide). It absorbs infrared heat REALLY well. CO Humans increase CO 2 in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels (such as gasoline, natural gas, and coal) and by burning forests is increasing greenhouse effect to create climate change (not good).



34 What’s your carbon footprint?

35 Greenhouse Effect Our animals also contribute methane to the atmosphere. Our animals also contribute methane to the atmosphere. Example: Cow farts, Cow poop, and decomposing things Example: Cow farts, Cow poop, and decomposing things

36 Oops, Pardon Me!


38 Climate Change The realities and myths

39 Scientists agree that…  Some parts of the earth are warming and other parts cooling.  The warming is caused primarily by increasing greenhouse gases.  Warming will continue unless greenhouse gas emissions through human activities are reduced.


41 Scientists disagree about…  The rate of warming  The impact of climate change on ecosystems, human health, etc.

42 Evidence  Direct temperature and greenhouse gas observations over the past 150 years  Temperature & CO 2 data from ice core samples over the past 400,000 years


44 Evidence  Glacier Data –glaciers in European Alps have shrunk 30-40% –glaciers in New Zealand have shrunk 25% –glaciers on Mt. Kilimanjaro (Kenya) have shrunk 60% –All glaciers PNW are also shrinking

45 Of course, this is something that could NEVER be proved because….  Could never observe it all directly – always have to rely on some inference  Can’t perform a controlled with the earth  Can’t perform a controlled experiment with the earth

46 Possible Impacts:  Melting ice (glaciers, etc.)  Decreased snow packs (leading to drought)  Rising sea levels  Coastal flooding  Changes in ocean salinity  Changes in ocean salinity (saltiness)

47 Possible Impacts:  Changes in ocean currents  Increased temperature & heat waves  Decreased temperature and dramatic cooling  Changes in precipitation (less in some areas, more in others)  More extreme weather events (storms, hurricanes, etc.)

48 Possible Impacts:  Decreased crop/food production  Extinction of many species – gone forever!

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