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Individualized Lesson Planning Dr. Maggie McGuire

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1 Individualized Lesson Planning Dr. Maggie McGuire

2 Describe your “Average Child” ________________ © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

3 Average Children DO NOT EXIST! © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

4 Blame this on…….. Arnold Gesell (1880-1961) –Developed “milestones” of a child’s development –Gesell Development Assessment- compares a child to the norm Dr. Spock (1903-1998) –Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946; 6th ed., 1992) © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

5 The Brain Brain activity begins 10 to 12 weeks AFTER CONCEPTION! At birth, a brain contains 100 billion neurons (about the same number of stars as in the Milky Way) © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

6 Milky Way © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

7 The Brain cont……. Yet, only the wiring has been done. Not the connecting. Connecting of the brain requires Repeated Experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, Repeated Experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, Repeated Experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, Repeated Experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, repeated experiences, © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

8 Individualized Lesson Plans Why do them? –They focus on where a child is developmentally, what is right with the child, what is appropriate for the child, areas of concern with the child. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

9 How they work Fill out the box in the upper left hand corner. Child’s name _Bobby_______ Birth date August 3, 200 Current age 3 months As of ____________ Parents, Here are the special activities that were planned for your child this week. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

10 How they work…. Think about the child whom you are planning activities for. What are your goals for that child? What do they do well and where do they need some help? Choose a box from the lesson plan blank that best fits the category of the skill you will be teaching or practicing. Write the activity and how it will help the child. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

11 For Example: Seeing date ____ Child’s name _Bobby_______ Birth date August 3, 200 Current age 3 months As of ____________ Parents, Here are the special activities that were planned for your child this week. I will lay Bobby on his back and hold a tracking tube over his head and move it back and forth slowly. This will help Bobby practice following an object with his eyes and moving his head. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

12 For Example: Physical date _____ Development Child’s name _Bobby_______ Birth date August 3, 200 Current age 3 months As of ____________ Parents, Here are the special activities that were planned for your child this week. I will put the bell socks on Bobby and encourage him to kick his feet to make them jingle. This will help him strengthen his leg muscles. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

13 Your turn Choose a box from Bobby’s lesson plan and write your own. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

14 For Example: Tastingdate _____ Child’s name _Chica_______ Birth date March 3, 200 Current age 15 months As of ____________ Parents, Here are the special activities that were planned for your child this week. At snack time, Chica will prepare her own snack from a variety of fruits and vegetables. This will give her the opportunity to taste different flavors and begin to make her own choices. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

15 For Example: Hearingdate _____ Child’s name _Chica_______ Birth date March 3, 200 Current age 15 months As of ____________ Parents, Here are the special activities that were planned for your child this week. Chica and I will learn the song “Little White Box”. This will give her the opportunity to learn a new song and expand her vocabulary. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

16 For Example: Physicaldate _____ Development Child’s name _Chica_______ Birth date March 3, 200 Current age 15 months As of ____________ Parents, Here are the special activities that were planned for your child this week. Chica and I will roll the ball back and forth to each other. This will help with her eye hand coordination. © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

17 Other uses for ILP Use them as a tool for parenting. Use them as a guide for volunteers to work with the children. Use them as documentation. ????????? © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

18 Resources Begley, S. (1996, February 19). Your child’s brain. Newsweek, 55-62. Parents as teachers national center. (1999). ns/Metacog/sld017.htm © Dr. Maggie McGuire LLC

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