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ReadAlouds Emily Quade Fulbright ETA Training 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ReadAlouds Emily Quade Fulbright ETA Training 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ReadAlouds Emily Quade Fulbright ETA Training 2014

2 The Plan 1. Goals and expectations 2. ice breaker/warm up 3. Background and benefits 4. Press here Read Aloud 5. Do’s and Don’ts 6. Practice 7. Peace Book and activity 8. Resources 9. Reflection

3 Goals Expectations 1. Ideas, activities & resources to steal. 2.To understand why read alouds are important and beneficial. 3. To understand how to effectively share a read aloud. 4. Practice 1. Be respectful 2. Participate 3. Share 4. Question

4 Warm up- Story telling How could this activity be used in your classroom? Differentiation options?

5 What is a read aloud? “ A read aloud is a planned oral reading of a book or print excerpt, usually related to a theme or topic of study. The read aloud can be used to engage the student listener while developing background knowledge, increasing comprehension skills, and fostering critical thinking. A read aloud can be used to model the use of reading strategies that aid in comprehension.” ESIP

6 Benefits of read alouds Reading aloud facilitates young learners’ vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, expressive ability, verbal fluency, writing ability, or even learning interests (e.g. Elley, 1989; Ehri & Robbins,1994; Ewers & Brownson,1999; Justice, 2002; Nagy & Herman,1987; Ninio, 1983; Robbins & Ehri,1994; Senechal & Cornell,1993; Senechal, Thomas, & Monker, 1997; Snow & Goldfield,1983; Snow & Ninio, 1986; Huang, 2006; Lee, 2002; Wang, 2007). (L1, L2, & EFL) ● develop understandings of story structures ● support developing connections between print elements ● encourages high levels of understanding ● teaches the reading process in a meaningful context ● motivates students to read -condition the child’s brain to associate reading with pleasure ● provides a reading/language role model ● easily integrated into a co-teaching environment

7 Read aloud: Press Here Discussion: 1. What can students learn from this read aloud? ●vocabulary ●Skill/ Concept reinforcement 2. Ideas of how to adapt or use it in your classroom? 3. Extension activity ideas?

8 Break: 10 min

9 Read Alouds 1. In your group sort the cards into 2 groups A. What to do B. What not to do Discuss: Why is it a Do or Don’t 2. Whole group- Check answers & discuss

10 Practice 1. In your group: ●Preview ●Prepare ●Read aloud to other group members ●Feedback 2. Whole group ●Discussion

11 Resources Storyline online Tumble books Book Flix E books Vimeo : Speak A Boos: Read to me: Online story time: books-toys/379003588/ books-toys/379003588/

12 Remember ●How to choose the right book ●Wordless picture books ●You don’t have to read it exactly as it is ●If you make a bad choice- stop reading ●Participation- Active listening :) ●When and how to use L1 ●They know if you like the book. Pick books you love ●Props :) Voices ●Quantity of vocab to focus on ●Seating & enviornment

13 Reflection 3 Big ideas (write) 2 Ideas that you can use (TPS) 1 Big Ahaaa moment (Whole group share)

14 References The read-aloud handbook by Jim Trelease

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