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Joint Action Group for Joint Urban Test Beds 4 Oct 2007 Cochairs: Dr. Walter Bach, Jr. and Mr. William Pendergrass Exec Secretary: Lt Col Mark Fitzgerald,

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Action Group for Joint Urban Test Beds 4 Oct 2007 Cochairs: Dr. Walter Bach, Jr. and Mr. William Pendergrass Exec Secretary: Lt Col Mark Fitzgerald,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Action Group for Joint Urban Test Beds 4 Oct 2007 Cochairs: Dr. Walter Bach, Jr. and Mr. William Pendergrass Exec Secretary: Lt Col Mark Fitzgerald, USAF Telecon # 888-680-9581, pass code 535430# GoToMeeting, ID is 111-054-474

2 Agenda TopicSpeaker WelcomeDr. Bach Quick Overview of JAG/JUTBLt Col Fitzgerald Status UpdateDr. Bach Identify test bed capabilitiesDr. Bach Break10 min DCNet CapabilitiesMr. Pendergrass GEO-Targeted Alerting SystemMr. Jesuroga JAG Member Participation Possible Timeline

3 Welcome and Administrative Remarks Welcome! Administrative remarks  This meeting is being recorded  GoToMeeting  Approve ROA from last meeting

4 JAG/JUTB Overview Formed in November 2005 Charged with:  Developing criteria for test bed selection;  Defining the common required infrastructure for a multifunctional test bed; and  Defining a prioritization methodology for candidate uses of a test bed Deliverable: Operational Concept Document

5 Status Update Progress to date

6 New Direction Leverage DCNet for momentum

7 Lessons from San Diego – AMS 7 th Symposium on Urban Environments

8 Strong International Interests About ½ participants from out of US Primary interest in urban air quality  From traffic and industrial emissions  Ozone, PM-10, PM-2.5  Meeting European NO x standards ??  Little interest in CBRN T&D Urban Studies in  ShanghaiLondon Marseilles  TokyoBaselHouston  New YorkDCNetOklahoma City

9 Focusing Models to Bridge Gap Merging WRF, MM5, COAMPS mesoscale with CFD microscale. Importance of Sea Surface temperatures for sea-breeze forecasts Concerns about lateral and lower boundary conditions for hi-resolution models Importance of BL height estimate & accuracy (mostly daytime).

10 Skimming Flow Recommended for scaling of urban sub- canopy flows based on wind tunnel and in- situ measurements Controversy on “roof-top” measurements  Oke – not reliable. Must get above building influences  Pendergrass – not always possible. Learn to use what we can get

11 Data Assimilation Very little discussion of techniques beyond extrapolation NCAR data assimilation models using mesoscale model forecasts, Doppler radar (NEXRAD and TDWR) and Doppler lidar find surface data of little value.  Not surprising  Asked for reports to explore verification and assumptions

12 Other Topics JUTB  Provided 12 min presentation and supplemental discussion Instrumentation  Doppler lidar wind profiler on building top to ~ 250 m  Scintillometers, large & small aperture, for integrated cross winds. NUDAPT  Proceeding with characterization of urban infrastructure, land use, building properties, emissions, USERS  Little discussion mostly AQ  U. Utah – Sustainable real estate development in SLC for 250 to 500 K new residence in 20 years

13 Identify Test Bed Capabilities Suggested capabilities  Critical Deficiency: Vertical profile of winds/temp

14 Break 10 Min

15 DCNet Capabilities Mr. Will Pendergrass


17 Current UrbaNet Sites Potential Additional Military Sites Planned Additional Sites 2 km


19 DC Network NOAA Silver Spring

20 US Dept. of Commerce (Hoover Building)


22 GEO-Targeted Alerting System Mr. Rich Jesuroga

23 Geo-Targeted Alerting System

24 GTAS Pilot Project Geo-Targeting concept derived from exploratory reverse-911 work for weather warnings  Concept: Life-Threat warnings issued to public via reverse 911 call-outs  Conduct timing studies of life-threat targeted warnings with reverse 911 call-out technology (reverse-911 can target warnings to within 12 meter resolution) DHS asked GSD to develop public warning concepts for potential toxic release in the NCR based on reverse-911 work.




28 JAG Member Participation JAG members ID holes in DCNet capabilities Identify Non-Federal JUTB Users Questionnaire

29 Timeline TaskCompletion Date Members return questionnaires19 October 2007 Complete document23 December 2007 ICMAASR & FCMAASR approve document May 2008 Dissolve JAGMay 2008 Stand up JUTB Working GroupMay 2008 Expand JUTB to 4 urban areasMay 2010 Stand up Urban Net Coordinator’s Office May 2010 Install urban nets across USAMay 2020

30 Action Item Update

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