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The Industrial Revolution. Origins  1800’s England  Began on farms after hundreds of years of no change  Inventions made life easier and increased.

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Presentation on theme: "The Industrial Revolution. Origins  1800’s England  Began on farms after hundreds of years of no change  Inventions made life easier and increased."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Industrial Revolution

2 Origins  1800’s England  Began on farms after hundreds of years of no change  Inventions made life easier and increased productivity  More food=better diet= increased population  Because of inventions less farmers were needed so people moved to cities

3 Contributing Factors  New Technology  New sources of energy & materials allowed people to change how work was done  Factory System  Concentrates production in one place (materials, labor)  Located near sources of power  Only 10% of English industry in 1850

4 The Factory System  Rigid schedule  12-16 hour day  Dangerous conditions  Monotonous

5 Textile Factory Workers in England

6 Factory Workers at Home

7 Movement of Goods  Steam Engine  Created by Thomas Newcomen

8 Movement of goods  Bessemer Process:_________________________  People now need a way to move goods

9 Movement of Goods  Creation of canals  Road surfaces made of crushed stone

10 Movement of Goods  George Stephenson  First steam powered locomotive “The Rocket”

11 Later Locomotives

12 Movement of Goods  Robert Fulton  First steam powered ship engine  “The Clermont”

13 American Inventors  Thomas Edison: Phonograph & light bulb  The Wright Brothers:Flew the first airplane (1903)

14 American Inventors  Henry Ford: created a low cost car using the Assembly Line  Beginning of mass production

15 Spread of the Revolution  1850 Europe  Northeast France  Germany  Northern Italy  1860s United States  After ______________________

16 Effects of Industrialization  Population explosion: tripled because of _________________  Caused many problems in cities  1. Over population  2. Poor living conditions  3. No sanitation Staffordshire, England

17 Protests People began to resist the machines that took their jobs – Smashed & burned machines Called Luddites – Ned Ludd: destroyed machines in 1780s Governments answered back – Forbid workers to organize or strike

18 Protests Labor Unions – People would eventually win the right to organize – Unions would bargain for: Better wages Working hours Better working conditions

19 Effects of Protest  Factory Acts:  No children under ____9_________ & children could only __work 12 hours a day______  No women & children under 10 could work in mines Worker housing in Manchester

20 Industrialization 1850

21 Homework 1. What caused people to leave agricultural life? 2. Describe daily life of a factory worker. Was this life an improvement over an agricultural lifestyle? 3. Define: Labor Union 4. What groups were aided by the factory acts? And how? 5. What benefits does the middle class gain as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

22 Industrialization & Economics Laissez-Faire economics – Government should not interfere with the free operation of the economy – Free-market would produce more goods at a lower cost

23 Financial Growth New technology required investment of large amounts of money – Stocks or shares of a company were sold to acquire money Each stockholder owned a small part of the company

24 Financial Growth  As business grew corporations are formed  Corporation: a business owned by a number of investors  Formed monopolies: huge corporations that controlled an entire industry  IE: Standard Oil Company, John Rockefeller

25 Socialism Condemned capitalism – believed it created a gap between the rich & poor Socialism: –W–Wanted to create a society for the benefit of all not just the wealthy

26 Marxism 1848: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto Communism: –A–A form of socialism that sees class struggle as unavoidable –H–History was a struggle between the “haves” and “have nots” or proletariat

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