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History of Canadian Literature. New Found Lands to Canada c. 1500-1860’s 16 th century – most literature writings of exploration diaries, letters, poems.

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1 History of Canadian Literature

2 New Found Lands to Canada c. 1500-1860’s 16 th century – most literature writings of exploration diaries, letters, poems vivid detail of hardships and extraordinary situations focus on climate

3 1769 - first Canadian novel published by Frances Brooke The History of Emily Montague consists of exchange of letters between Canada and England Canada’s landscape is described in romantic terms

4 “There is no description above nature. The lovely luxuriance, the wild magnificence of Canada would do honor to the finest genius on earth either in landscape poetry or painting: I never think of the scenes there without feeling my imagination become inflamed.” The History of Emily Montague

5 other writers not so charitable to the ruggedness of the land Ex. Susanna Moodie (1803-1885) Roughing it in the Bush (1852)- warning to perspective settlers about the deceptive appearances they would find in Canada. eventually was won over by this country

6 In general terms, writing of this early period chronicled ventures in the wilderness- pioneer journals described stoic endurance and personal regeneration showed an attraction to primitivism attempted to come to terms with the contradictions of the Canadian landscape and their models from the past

7 Confederation Period (1860’s – 1890’s) 1867 – a new sense of nationality born literature changed romantic style combined with nationalistic themes Confederation Poets : Archibald Lampman, Duncan Campbell Scott, Charles G.D. Roberts, Bliss Carman celebrated political union, physical union of the country (railroad), Canada’s natural beauty.

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