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Book Sales & Social Media presented by Joel Smith Poudre High School Ft. Collins, CO.

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Presentation on theme: "Book Sales & Social Media presented by Joel Smith Poudre High School Ft. Collins, CO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Sales & Social Media presented by Joel Smith Poudre High School Ft. Collins, CO

2 Why? Better your budget ALL students deserve a book Your administration will love you Make next year’s sales easier Who doesn‘t love stuff? Keep the tradition alive

3 Know What You’re Selling The “package” – a concept that goes all the way through the book Coverage – captures the daily lives of ALL your readers Memories – something they will have FOREVER 3 x

4 Set/Track Your Goals Set realistic, yet challenging, yearbook sales goals. Display book/ad sales goals using the sales goal poster (found in your kit). Enter goals into Yearbook Avenue. Enter sales on Yearbook Avenue under the Sell menu. Use the Sales Dashboard (under the sell menu)

5 Make It Work Good campaigns have a few things in common: 1.URGENT! 2.Reach everyone in multiple ways 3.Communicate important details If you haven’t changed how you sell books in the last few years – it’s time.

6 Time It Right Blitz – what is it? 1.Back to School 2.Fall Campaign 3.Winter Campaign 4.Spring Campaign 5.Distribution You hit it hard and keep your word – they WILL buy your book! We’ve seen the results, it works!


8 Do It All Reach parents (most important) Reach students Give them a deadline Tell them how much Tell them where/how to purchase
















24 Other GREAT Ideas Sticky Notes Banner Window Clings Post Cards Newsletter Grades School Website Emails Phone Calls Home Announcements Parking Tickets Digital Photo Frame Facebook, Twitter, etc. Text/Call Blitz Signs at games Smarties/Dum Dums Sneak Peeks Back to School nights Non-buyer list contact ReplayIt Change Computer Wallpapers *The orange ones should be done every campaign

25 And you? Every school is different. What unique marketing ideas can you add to generate book sales? Fall Campaign Winter Campaign Spring Campaign Distribution Social Media

26 Thank You!

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