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2011 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting Volunteer Briefing & Bag Stuffing.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting Volunteer Briefing & Bag Stuffing."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting Volunteer Briefing & Bag Stuffing

2 AGENDA Introduction Expectations Emergency Procedures Q & A Renaissance Tour Distribution of T-Shirts Bag Stuffing


4 Introductions Daily Volunteer Coordinators (VC) – Ian Hutt – Volunteer Chairperson – Jennifer Cichowlas –Volunteer Coordinator – Karie Barczakk –Volunteer Coordinator – Claire Patti – Volunteer Coordinator Assistant These are who to see if any problems arise Local Organizing Committee (Green PES polos)

5 Expectations – DO’s Arrive at Volunteer Room “Monet” 15-30 minutes before shift starts Sign in with Volunteer Coordinator and receive name badge Wear volunteer shirt while on volunteer duty. Adhere to “suggested attire” Smile, be pleasant, greet attendees with “Good Morning”, Have an Nice Day” When you get to your assigned location, become familiar with your area (restrooms, escalators, information desk directions

6 Expectations – DO’s For ticketed events (tutorials, luncheons, poster session, breakfasts, tours, etc) take tickets and/or check badges – A list of paid attendees will be provided in the morning Turn in your badge before you leave for the day If conflict, contact Volunteer Coordinator or IEEE staff immediately

7 Expectations – Don’ts No eating or drinking while on your assigned shift Refrain from using cell phones (calls, emails, texting) unless to call or text the Volunteer Coordinators or IEEE staff to report an issue Those assigned to work food and beverage events are not entitled to participate in the events

8 Food Vouchers Volunteers working full days are entitled to food vouchers for lunch at the Renaissance food court Vouchers are available from the Volunteer Coordinators

9 Volunteer Schedule BE ON TIME! Check in with the Volunteer Coordinator If you need to attend a session or leave early, tell Volunteer Coordinator so that a replacement can be scheduled Check out with Volunteer Coordinator Remember, the volunteers are the most visible, so be pleasant and willing to help

10 Volunteer Schedule – cont’ Training for registration and paper sales will be on site Ticketed events – be diligent in taking tickets or checking badges and checking against lists – You need to be there minimum ½ hour prior to start – For tutorials, monitor session (e.g. more chairs needed, problems with AV)

11 Volunteer Schedule – cont’ Hallway Monitors: – See spreadsheet for assigned location when arriving – “Baton style” rotation of the positions helps cover the conference center – Be sure to have program and map with you – Stay in area (in plain sight) to help answer questions and give directions – Be flexible – you may be asked to help in another area (by VC, LOC or IEEE staff only) – Floaters - Monitor meeting rooms/be prepared to help

12 List of Contacts The list of LOC and IEEE contacts is in the back of the Briefing Notes If you are asked a question and cannot answer it, please direct the attendee to the Information Desk If no one above can answer your questions, Volunteer Chairperson Ian Hutt can be reached at 517-914-4551. Please send a text message when possible.

13 Renaissance Marriott Emergency Procedures Security – on site uniformed security officers Medical – report emergencies by dialing “111” from any house phone Other things to be aware of: – Sever weather – in-house warning system – Fire/Evacuation – be aware of emergency exits – Bomb Threats – in-house warning system if needed – Rule of Five (5) – in the event of an emergency and initial evacuation is needed, proceed 5 floors down if you are on the emergency floor, or one or two up or one or two down. Do not use the elevators. See emergency handout for details.

14 Renaissance Marriott Emergency Procedures Dial “313-667-1111” or “111” on any house phone Again – be aware of where house phones are located and find the emergency exits

15 After the Tour Pick up your Volunteer Shirt – See Volunteer Coordinators – It does not say: “I volunteered for the 2011 IEEE PES General Meeting and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” If you are staying to help stuff bags, report outside the Renaissance Bowl Room after lunch – Lunch vouchers will passed out after orientation for those working on Saturday

16 Renaissance Tour Hosted By: Catherine Paull Catherine Paull Meeting Management Inc.

17 Questions?

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