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Published byErika Harris Modified over 9 years ago
FPGA Routing Dr. Philip Brisk Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside CS 223
Routing Resource Graph (RRG) 2-LUT in 1 in 2 out wire 1 wire 2 wire 3 wire 4 source sink out wire 4 wire 2 in 2 in 1 wire 1 wire 3 2
FPGA Routing Disjoint-path problem (on the RRG); NP-complete Input: – Graph G(V, E) – Set of sources S = {s 1, s 2, …, s m } – Set of sets of sinks T = {T 1, T 2, …, T n }, T i = {t i 1, t i 2, …, t i k } Solution – Finds paths from each source s i to all sinks in T i – Paths emanating from different sinks must be disjoint (cannot shared any vertices or edges) Objective(s) – Minimize delay, wirelength, etc. 3
Disjoint and Non-disjoint Paths s1s1 s2s2 t21t21 t11t11 4
This route is illegal! s1s1 s2s2 t21t21 t11t11 Two nets are routed on the same FPGA segment (remember, RRG vertices represent wires and CLB I/Os) 5
Disjoint and Non-disjoint Paths This route is legal! s1s1 s2s2 t21t21 t11t11 6
LUT Input Equivalence (1/3) s1s1 s2s2 2-LUT in 1 in 2 s1s1 s2s2 2-LUT in 1 in 2 LUT inputs are interchangeable 7
LUT Input Equivalence (2/3) s1s1 s2s2 2-LUT in 1 in 2 s1s1 s2s2 2-LUT in 1 in 2 s1s1 s2s2 t 2 1 = in 2 t 1 1 = in 1 t 2 1 = in 1 t 1 1 = in 2 s1s1 s2s2 Overly restrictive disjoint-path problem formulation 8
LUT Input Equivalence (3/3) s1s1 s2s2 2-LUT in 1 in 2 s1s1 s2s2 2-LUT in 1 in 2 Represent all inputs of a LUT as one RRG sink, t t s1s1 s2s2 9
PathFinder: A Negotiation-Based Performance-Driven Router for FPGAs Larry McMurchie and Carl Ebeling International Symposium on FPGAs, 1995
Architecture and CAD for Deep Submicron FPGAs (Section 2.2.3, pp. 25-30) Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose, Sandy Marquardt Springer, 1999
Basic Plan Route nets one-by-one – Each net is routed by a priority-driven breadth-first search – Multiple nets may use the same nodes and edges – Node/edge costs depend on current usage and past usage history Repeat for a fixed number of iterations (say 200) – Success: A disjoint routing solution for for all nets – Failure: No disjoint solution found after a fixed number of iterations
Routability Cost Function (per Node) C(n) = p(n) × (b(n) + h(n)) – b(n) : base cost of routing through node n Typically the intrinsic delay of the circuit element corresponding to the node – h(n) : history cost of routing through node n, based on previous router iterations – p(n) : depends on the number of signals presently routed through node n in the current iteration
Timing-Routability Cost Function
First-Order Congestion s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 A t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 B C 1 1 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 3
s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 A t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 B C 1 1 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 3 All paths route through B Increase the penalty cost of B per iteration due to sharing In a future iteration, it will be cheaper to route signal 1 through A, rather than B In a future iteration, it will be cheaper to route signal 2 through C, rather than B Requires gradual increase in cost of sharing nodes
Second-order Congestion s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 A t1t1 t3t3 t2t2 B C 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Routing Order: 1, 2, 3
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Two paths route through C Increasing the history cost through C will push signal 2 onto an alternative path through B s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 Two paths route through C Increasing the history cost through C will push signal 2 onto an alternative path through B s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 Two paths route through B Increasing the history cost through B will push signal 1 onto an alternative path through A Increasing the history cost through B will push signal 2 back onto the path through C s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 Two paths route through B Increasing the history cost through B will push signal 1 onto an alternative path through A Increasing the history cost through B will push signal 2 back onto the path through C s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 Two paths route through C Increasing the history cost through C will push signal 2 back through B s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Second-order Congestion Routing Order: 1, 2, 3 A B C 3 4 2 5 5 4 3 2 5 5 Two paths route through C Increasing the history cost through C will push signal 2 back through B s1s1 s3s3 s2s2 t1t1 t3t3 t2t2
Pseudocode Priority driven BFS Computed from the source to every sink of net(i) Connect the newly found path to the current sink to the partly-computed routing tree RT(i) for net I
Timing-Routability Cost Function Represents the estimated criticality of the path from source I to sink j on net(i) net(i) may fan out to multiple sinks with varying criticality, depending on placement Delay of critical path
Negotiated A* Routing for FPGAs Russell Tessier Fifth Canadian Workshop on Field Programmable Devices, 1998
Basic Idea
A* Cost Function Cost at a node n i f i = g i + d i g i = f i-1 + c i Cost of routing from the source to n i Estimated cost of routing from n i to the sink Total cost of previous path Cost of the next candidate node
A* vs. BFS A*: f i = g i + d i = (f i-1 + c i ) + d i BFS: f i = g i Hybrid: f i = (1 - α)g i + αd i = (1 - α)(f i-1 + c i ) + αd i
Good Ideas, But… Algorithm and implementation assumed disjoint switch block – i.e., disjoint global routing domains Key issue: – Which routing domains (reachable from the source) are explored in what order?
A Fast Routability-driven Router for FPGAs Jordan S. Swartz, Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose International Symposium on FPGAs, 1998
Architecture and CAD for Deep Submicron FPGAs (Section 4.3, pp. 76-80) Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose, Sandy Marquardt Springer, 1999
Speed Enhancements Directed depth-first search – Similar to A*, but arguably more aggressive – Key Issues: Cost function Sink (target) ordering for multi-terminal nets Route classification – Low-stress – Difficult – Impossible
Cost Function Cost(n) = C(n) + Cost prev + α(ΔD) – Cost prev : cost of track segments used to reach the current segment – C(n) : (base) cost of using the track segment Increases more rapidly than the original PathFinder algorithm – (ΔD) : estimated cost of routing from the current track segment to the destination Based on Manhattan (XY) distance) – α : Direction factor BFS: α = 0 Directed search: α > 0
Updated Node (Base) Cost Function C(n) = p(n) × (b(n) + h(n)) – b(n) : base cost – h(n) : history cost – p(n) : usage cost C(n) = p(n) × b(n) × h(n) + Bendcost(n, m) – Multiplying b(n) and h(n) eliminates normalization – Penalize global routes that take a lot of turns These routes are less likely to use long wires
Penalty Cost Function Not specified in the original PathFinder paper p(n) = 1 + max(0, [occupancy(n) – capacity(n)] × p fac ) occupancy(n) : number of nets using resource n capacity(n) : maximum number of nets that can use resource n (typically 1) p fac : 0.5 for the first iteration; increase by 1.5x to 2x each subsequent iteration
History Cost Function Not specified in the original PathFinder paper occupancy(n) : number of nets using resource n capacity(n) : maximum number of nets that can use resource n (typically 1) h fac : constant; any value between 0.2 and 1 works well
Target Selection Closest Sink First Uses fewer track segments Furthest Sink First Uses more track segments
Net Order Route nets in order of decreasing fan-out High fanout nets tend to span the whole FPGA – Easier to route when there is less congestion do to other nets routed earlier Low fanout nets tend to be more localized – Relatively easy to route, even in the presence of some congestion
Binning Only the portions of the net close to the target sink should be expanded – E.g., only expand within Bin 4 in this example Shown to be effective for sinks with more than 50 targets
Bounding Box Define a bounding box around source and sinks Restrict the route for each net to no more than 3 channels outside of the bounding box
Routing High-fanout Nets
Difficulty Prediction Since you can’t know W min first without routing, use an estimate based on a wirelength prediction model
Routability Results
Routing Times as W increases
Routing Time vs. W (clma Benchmark)
BFS vs. Directed Search (w/Binning)
Difficulty Prediction W estimate took less than 1 second to compute Some prediction mistakes will happen Prediction accuracy was 84%
Fuzzy Prediction
Architecture and CAD for Deep Submicron FPGAs (Section 2.2.4, pp. 31-34, Section 4.4, pp. 80-89, Section 4.6.4, pp. 99-102 ) Vaughn Betz, Jonathan Rose, Sandy Marquardt Springer, 1999 VPR Timing-Driven Router
Example Timing Graph
Timing and Slack Process vertices in forward topological order Process vertices in reverse topological order (Required time for any output node is D max ) How much can I slow down this circuit element (node) without increasing the critical path?
Elmore Delay of a Source-Sink Path T d,i : intrinsic delay of element i (buffer); 0 otherwise R i : equivalent resistance of element i ( R wire, R buf, R pass ) C(subtree i ) : total downstream capacitance not isolated by buffers
Equivalent Circuits
Example: M Wire Segments connected by Buffers Linear and Elmore Delay Models agree!
Example: Chain of Pass Transistors Linear Quadratic
Introduce Elmore Delay into VPR- PathFinder’s Node Cost Function Parameters that control how slack affects congestion-delay tradeoff
… And to Support Directed Search Expected cost to route from a wire segment n to the target sink j – The connection will be completed using wires of the same type as node n Length, connecting switch type, etc. – There is no congestion along the shortest path to the target p(m) and h(m) are both 1 for all nodes m on the path that completes the connection.
Why Optimize Elmore Delay?
Timing-Driven Router
Timing-Driven Routing of High- Fanout Nets Xun Chen, Jianwen Zhu, Minxuan Zhang International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 2011
Motivation (for Binning, Earlier)
Angle-based Pruning Route the trunk first, then each leaf Net Decomposition
Routing Algorithms for FPGAs with Sparse Intra-Cluster Routing Crossbars Yehdhih Moctar, Guy Lemieux, Philip Brisk International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 2012
Full Crossbar Intra-cluster Routing 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks 71
RRG Full Crossbar Intra-cluster Routing RRG 72
Full Crossbar RRG Don’t model the RRG inside each CLB! 73
Sparse Crossbar Intra-cluster Routing (1/6) 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks 74 RRG must include the intra-cluster routing
Sparse Crossbar Intra-cluster Routing RRG 75
Sparse Crossbar RRG RRG encompasses the entire FPGA 76
Why is this Hard? Key Issues relating to RRG size – May run out of memory If you are not routing in the cloud – Long router runtimes Large search space leads to slow convergence Thrashing Objective – Route without expanding the whole RRG 77
Routing Algorithms Extensions to PathFinder routing algorithm – Routes one net at a time via wavefront expansion Baseline – Extend the RRG with intra-cluster routing at each CLB Selective RRG Expansion (SERRGE) – Route nets to CLB inputs – Dynamically expand the RRG to finish the route Partial Pre-Routing (PPR) – Pre-route all nets within CLBs – Complete global routes to CLB inputs 78
Baseline Router 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Inputs of the same LUT are equivalent! Global RRG 79
SERRGE in Action (1/8) Start with a global RRG s t 80
SERRGE in Action (2/8) s t Route from s’s CLB to t’s CLB 81
SERRGE in Action (3/8) s t Locally expand the RRG with part of t’s CLB 82
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Maintain one copy of the intra-cluster topology SERRGE in Action (4/8) t 83
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Expand the fanout of the CLB input being routed SERRGE in Action (5/8) t 84
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Complete the route if possible; if not, try again SERRGE in Action (6/8) t 85
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Track used CLB and BLE inputs; remember the route SERRGE in Action (7/8) t 86
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Deallocate unused RRG resources SERRGE in Action (8/8) t 87
SERRGE Summary Global routing uses standard PathFinder Selectively expand portions of the RRG to complete routes from CLB inputs to BLE inputs Storage Requirement – Global RRG (standard PathFinder requirement) – One copy of the intra-cluster routing topology – All intra-cluster routes computed thus far Fairly challenging to implement! 88
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Process CLBs one at a time PPR in Action (1/4) t1t1 t2t2 89
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks Compute local routes for each BLE PPR in Action (2/4) t1t1 t2t2 90
2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 2-LUT BLE in 1 in 2 CLB inputs Local feedbacks CLB inputs now form equivalence classes. PPR in Action (3/4) t1t1 t2t2 91
PPR in Action (4/4) Perform global routing w/equivalence class constraints on CLB inputs s t 92
PPR Summary Pre-route each CLB Propagate LUT equivalences to CLB inputs – A baseline router on the full-blown RRG would still need to satisfy BLE input-pin equivalence constraints Route as normal Much easier implementation than SERRGE 93
Critical Path Delay p = 40% ns p = 75% ns PPR SERRGE Baseline
RRG Size (MB) p = 40% MB p = 75% MB PPR SERRGE Baseline
Router Runtime (s) p = 40% Seconds PPR SERRGE Baseline p = 75%
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