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Bacteria Growth  Open your notebooks to “Bacteria Growth”  Kenneth will pass out the bacteria samples  Record your observations for Day 6.  For homework,

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria Growth  Open your notebooks to “Bacteria Growth”  Kenneth will pass out the bacteria samples  Record your observations for Day 6.  For homework,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria Growth  Open your notebooks to “Bacteria Growth”  Kenneth will pass out the bacteria samples  Record your observations for Day 6.  For homework, respond to the following (try to fit your answers on the same page as the lab notes or the observations):  RESULTS – In a paragraph, summarize your observations  CONCLUSION – In a second paragraph, explain what surprised you about this experiment, something you would do differently if we completed this lab again, and how this applies to you and your life.

2 Bacteria Growth  Open your notebooks to “Bacteria Growth”  Marissa will pass out the bacteria samples  Record your observations for Day 6.  For homework, respond to the following questions (try to fit your answers on the same page as the lab notes or the observations):  RESULTS – In a paragraph, summarize your observations  CONCLUSION – In a second paragraph, explain what surprised you about this experiment, something you would do differently if we completed this lab again, and how this applies to you and your life.

3 Bell Ringer  Open your science notebook to the toadstool activity from yesterday.  Spend a few minutes finishing your paragraph (5 sentences minimum).  Did you forget what the assignment was?  Look at the bottom of yesterday’s handout.

4 Parasites December 4, 2013

5 What is a parasite?  A parasite is an organism that lives on or inside another living organism (host).  A parasite is dependent on its host and lives at the host’s expense.

6 Common Methods of Transmitting Parasites (Pick 3 to record in your notebook)  Insect bites  Animal feces  Handling raw meat and fish  Eating raw or undercooked pork, beef, or fish  Eating contaminated raw fruits or vegetables  Drinking contaminated water

7 Classification  Internal parasites – live inside the body of the host it infects  Examples: heartworm, tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm  External parasites – live on the body of the host  Examples: ticks, fleas, mosquitoes

8 Common Parasites  Ticks  Fleas  Tapeworm  Hookworm

9 Activity  At your table, each person has a different parasite to read about.  After reading silently, you will share three facts about your parasite with the other people at your table.

10 Ewww! Gross!!!  mShLJIPM&NR=1 mShLJIPM&NR=1

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