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 Zoology - The study of animals.  Botany -The study of plants.  Bacteriology - The study of Bacteria.  Taxonomy - The classification of living organisms.

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Presentation on theme: " Zoology - The study of animals.  Botany -The study of plants.  Bacteriology - The study of Bacteria.  Taxonomy - The classification of living organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1  Zoology - The study of animals.  Botany -The study of plants.  Bacteriology - The study of Bacteria.  Taxonomy - The classification of living organisms.  Virology - The study of Viruses.  Ornithology - The study of Birds.  Cytology - The study of cells.

2  Histology - The study of living tissue.  Physiology - The study of the function of living things.  Immunology: The study of the Immune system.  Helminthology - The study of worms.  Genetics - The study of heredity.  Ecology - The study of the environment.  Mycology -The study of fungus.  Pathology: The study of the origin of diseases  Entomology -The study of insects.  Dendrology -The study of trees.

3  Ichthyology -The study of fish.  Anatomy - The study of the structures of living things.  Parasitology - The study of Parasites  Bryology - The study of mosses.

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