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LARP Communications and Web Pages Elliott McCrory Fermilab April 26, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "LARP Communications and Web Pages Elliott McCrory Fermilab April 26, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 LARP Communications and Web Pages Elliott McCrory Fermilab April 26, 2006

2 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 2 26 April 2006 Outline  Official and supported  Web Page:  LARP Document Management: LARP Docs  Web-based communications: Webex  Delineations  Descriptions  Demonstrations Time permitting

3 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 3 26 April 2006 Memo Sent on Web & Docs (12/16/05)  Jean Slaughter, John Konc and EM  Approved by Steve Peggs, Vladimir Shiltsev and others  Conclusions/recommendations of that note  Everyone in LARP should use Fermilab’s DocDB.  (Plone) should be official LARP web site.  The April collaboration meeting at LBL should be managed by the LARP DocDB.  LARP management should declare support of these recommendations.

4 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 4 26 April 2006 Document Management  “LARP Docs” Document database  This web site issues a certificate Username and password protected –We all share a single username/password  Support Officially supported by Fermilab –Eric Vaandering, Vanderbilt U.; Independent contractor Available from –Lookup “DocDB”  Widely accepted at Fermilab

5 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 5 26 April 2006

6 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 6 26 April 2006 Discussion: LARP Docs  Smashing success at Fermilab  Last count: 11K documents in all instances at FNAL  BTeV: 4000+ documents  Accelerator Division: 2249 and counting ∴ Anyone can be taught how to use DocDB  LARPDocs: 193 and counting  Features  Any type of file Multiple files per “document”  Versioning  Access control  Event management  Not an EDMS  E.g., no sign offs  But do we need EDM?

7 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 7 26 April 2006 DocDB Instructions (From web)  Entering or Updating a Document  Getting more help  What do you want to do?  Preparing your document for upload Multiple file uploads Archive uploads  Upload methods  Filling in the form  Advanced options  Special Cases  Documents for events  Conference talks and proceedings  Publications in refereed journals  Preferences and E- mail Notification  Setting preferences  Setting e-mail notification  Advanced Users  Referring to your document and its files  Referring to groups of documents  Final Words  Archive vs. Catalog  What is a document?  Notes on file formats

8 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 8 26 April 2006

9 Demonstration of LARPDocs Database: Finding a document Adding a document


11 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 11 26 April 2006 Event Management  LARP Docs database: “Events”  Documents for event are stored in LARP Docs Same versioning, access control, etc.  What you plan for the agenda and the live agenda are the same thing  Clean & smooth electronic presentations  Management of  Agenda Anyone can/may do it, but should be “convener” or session chair No need to keep agenda externally  Talks/documents The speaker is responsible for maintaining the integrity of his/her document

12 Demonstration of Event Management in DocDB: Adding your document Changing an agenda


14 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 14 26 April 2006 Web Pages  web site  Uses Plone A widespread wiki implementation  I’m working on making this site useful Jump point to other web resources  Anyone can modify the content/layout You have your own username/password  There are lots of LARP web sites  LBNL  BNL  Fermilab AD & TD  SLAC ?

15 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 15 26 April 2006 Discussion: Plone  Plone is a very general tool  Can do document management But missing some necessary “document management” features, like –Document versioning –Complex searches Plone’s definition of “document” is “web page”  Some Plone features require user training E.g., search by author  Many people can manipulate Plone site  Everyone probably will not learn the manipulations.

16 Demonstration of


18 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 18 26 April 2006 (Time Permitting) Webex

19 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 19 26 April 2006 Webex  Fermilab has license for using Webex  BNL was looking at Pay-as-you-go  Really, really easy and effective  100% compatible with PC/Internet Explorer Active X  ~98% compatible with Mac or with Firefox Java  You should try the live, online demo  ~30 minutes 

20 E. McCrory/Fermilab/AD 20 26 April 2006 Conclusions/Summary  Document and event management   Main LARP web site is  Someone from each lab should work a couple of hours/month to keep it up to date and relevant  Webex  Try it, you’ll like it

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