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New trends in migration – demographic aspects Factoring migration into development planning EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership as a tool for supporting national.

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1 New trends in migration – demographic aspects Factoring migration into development planning EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership as a tool for supporting national development and migration mainstreaming processes 17 January 2013 Chisinau

2 EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership Objectives: Facilitating well-managed legal migration opportunities and their benefits Fighting illegal migration, protecting refugees and tackling the root causes of migration Investments of migrant remittances and local area support Limiting negative effects of migration National Migration Management System consolidation; Reintegration and return programs Diaspora consolidation Enhancing the cooperation between EU and Moldova in migration sphere Visa dialogue Social protection benefits MP as a GAMM tool: 1. Better organising legal migration and fostering well-managed mobility; 2. Preventing and combating illegal migration and eradicating trafficking in human beings; 3. Maximising the development impact of migration and mobility; 4. Promoting international protection and enhancing the external dimension of asylum. + Allows strengthening of the cooperation in the wide range of areas of Justice and Home Affairs.

3 EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership Tool of the EU Global Approach of Migration and Mobility Partners: European Commission FRONTEX European Training Foundation 15 EU Member States: Bulgaria Czech Republic Cyprus France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Lithuania Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Sources of financing: ENPI EU Thematic Programme for Cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylum Bilateral financial assistance from the EU member states National sources 85 initiatives/projects

4 Pilot Evaluation of the EU-MD Mobility Partnership First comprehensive assessment of the EU-Mobility Partnership as a policy and a tool of the EU GAMM New methodology of evaluation (15 EU MS, EU Institutions, 15 MD National Institutions, International Organisations,11 migrant organisations and academia) Exercise which could serve as a precedent for the countries which a implementing Mobility Partnerships with EU 4

5 Evaluation main findings & Recommendations: Helped Government to achieve their priorities in the field of migration and mobility Led to a prioritisation of funding Improved the coordination and efficiency of project work, as it avoided duplicating efforts Led to a clearer identification of counterparts, and a clearer identification of the partners’ needs Strengthened policy coherence in the spirit of the GAMM The need to continue, even more, investment in human resources The need to involve beneficiary institutions in coordination, starting with the project planning phase More targeted initiatives for cooperation should be introduced Should be greater focus on the sustainability of initiatives 5

6 Extended Migration Profile EMP as an activity within the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership Implemented by IOM – Moldova and funded by the European Union National coordination: Inter-agency Technical Working Group (all the institutions & authorities involved) and National Commission for Population and Development The EMP Template, EMP list of Indicators and a set of definitions was approved by the Government on 25 August 2012. The Bureau for Migration and Asylum (Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Moldova) was designated as the coordinating authority responsible for the future development and annual update of the Moldovan EMP. The first Report was presented within the 4 th meeting of the EMP Technical Working Group (24 October 2012) on the future of the EMP The first EMP Report for Moldova will be published in early 2013 Next steps – inter and intra agency consultations and training on “From Evidence to Policies” 6

7 Specific features of the Extended Migration Profile exercise in Moldova 1. National ownership 2. Contribution to the regular monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership (the EMP contributed to the recently concluded evaluation of the impact produced by the MP) 3. Improvement of data exchange with destination countries 4. Support to the implementation of the commitments undertaken by the Republic of Moldova under the Visa Dialogue with the EU 7

8 Main findings of the first EMP Report Permanent migration continues to be an issue for MD (trends towards decreasing have been recorded) Involuntary emigration registered a significant decrease by 2010 as compared to 2005 Temporary migration has two main characteristics: educational migration and economic migration Circular migration is highlighted. (Main destination countries: Russian Federation and Italy, followed by Turkey, Israel, Ukraine and Portugal) A positive dynamics is registered for the readmission The national legal and regulatory framework is largely in place. Very good progress on laying down a comprehensive basis for an efficient migration management system. Progress has been made in various areas of migration management: facilitating migration (return, management of Moldova’s labour market, conclusion of bilateral labour and social protection agreements) Moldova’s asylum system improved, regulating migration (border security strengthened, document security improved, short-term mobility promoted through facilitating of issuance of short-stay visas) The initiative of establishing the Bureau for Relations with Diaspora launched this year will support Moldovan Diaspora Associations abroad and improve their linkages with the country of origin. 8

9 Mainstreaming migration into development strategies Implementation of the Joint Pilot Programme Mainstreaming of Migration into Development in Moldova (MOMID) Implemented with the support of Global Migration Group, UNDP, IOM and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Stakeholder mapping Information collection and preliminary analysis - Compendium of existing information on the migration management framework and policy coherence and preliminary analysis A more concise and adapted version of the GMG Handbook would be developed, including concrete existing examples of migration and development programming consistent with the national context. Migration Mainstreaming Checklist - offering policy-review guidelines from migration and development perspective to line ministry policy specialists and State Chancellery officials reviewing draft policy documents. A module on Migration and Development included within the Universities Curricula The main output is a Migration Mainstreaming Proposal in line with the National Development Strategy – Moldova 2020. 9

10 Migration in national development documents EGPRSP (2004-2007)NDS (2008-2011)Moldova 2020 -No specific data on migration -Mentioned only as a factor of poverty reduction (due to remittances) -The only policy regarding migration: promoting legal migration of labor force -Migration taken into account as one of demographic problem -It is the cause of qualified labor force deficit -Reflected in few policies on: o Human trafficking o Border management o Education, better connected to labor market -Migration is at the heart of Moldova 2020 -Migration effects are treated as the main drivers of economic growth -Migration is mainstreamed across the strategy -Priorities are going to have direct positive impact on migration phenomena 10

11 Global Forum for Migration and Development MD participated in all GFMD meetings: 2007 Belgium, 2008 Philippines, 2009 Greece, 2010 Mexico, 2011 Switzerland, 2012 Mauritius MD hosted the GFMD 2011 Thematic Meeting on Mainstreaming Migration into Strategic Policy Development - presentation of the Handbook on ‘Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning’ - methodological guidance on mainstreaming of migration to discussion of mainstreaming in various policy sectors, such as education, health and employment). MD committed to continue to work with Swedish Chair - in - office in 2013 in order to: - build and strengthen the migration and development nexus - identify ways and concrete actions on how to reinforce the development dimension in the GFMD - unlock the potential of migration for inclusive development - better define and operationalize migration as an enabler for inclusive economic and social development with a view to integrate it in the post-2015 UN development agenda

12 Lessons Learnt & Recommandations Tailor shape tools/process to the interests and priorities of the Country The key of the success in developing evidence based polices is the coordination & inclusion Always consider that development through migration mainstreaming is a process Continue work on strengthening capacities of national authorities working on migration 12

13 Thank you! 13

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