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World History Chapter 13 On-line Study Sections 1, 2, & 3 Woodridge High School Mr. Hearty & Mr. Bellisario.

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1 World History Chapter 13 On-line Study Sections 1, 2, & 3 Woodridge High School Mr. Hearty & Mr. Bellisario

2 Table of Contents Section 1 Japan Modernizes Section 2 Southeast Asia and the Pacific Section 3 Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New ZealandSection 3 Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

3 Question #1 The ___________ opened up Japanese ports to American ships. Treaty of Tojo Treaty of Kanagawa Treaty of Tokyo

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5 Question #2 The ___________ was a period of reform from 1868 to 1912. Emperor’s rebellion Honshu reform Meiji restoration

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7 Question #3 The Kawasaki family is an example of a ____________. Anatawa zaibatsu Ohayou gozaimasu

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9 Question #4 Japan was able to modernize rapidly partly because it was a _____________. homogeneous societyhomogeneous society Heterogeneous societyHeterogeneous society Mixed society

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11 Question #5 During the _____________, Japan defeated Russian troops in Manchuria. Sino-Japanese War. Russo-Japanese War Moscow-Tokyo War

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13 Question #6 By the 1800s Japan was weakened by… industrial pollution. economic problems. conquest by China.

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15 Question #7 The Meiji reformers were determined to… strengthen Japan against the West. overthrown the emperor. close Japan to the West.

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17 Question #8 Despite Meiji reforms, women in Japan were… still assigned a secondary role in society. granted more political rights. not allowed to get an education.

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19 Question #9 One reason Japan felt they needed to expand their empire was… to gain respect from China. to give the navy something to do. a lack of natural resources.

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21 Question #10 Development in colonial Korea mostly benefited… China. Japan. United States.

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23 Question #11 French holdings in Southeast Asia. Philippines French Indochina French Burma

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25 Question #12 Modernized Siam in the late 1800s. Queen Liliuokalani Chulalongkorn King Simon Lo

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27 Question #13 Overthrown by American planters in 1893. Queen Liliuokalani Chulalongkorn King Simon Lo

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29 Question #14 Led Filipino nationalists struggle. Emilio Aguinaldo Victor Fernandez Eduardo Pena

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31 Question #15 Britain expanded its empire in Southeast Asia to include… Vietnam. Burma and the Malay peninsula. Burma and Laos.

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33 Question #16 Vietnamese officials tried to suppress Christianity by... converting to Confucianism. killing converts and French missionary priest.killing converts and French missionary priest. outlawing missions.

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35 Question #17 Siam remained independent partly because its rulers… did not modernize. did not underestimate western power. did not accept unequal treaties.

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37 Question #18 The industrial powers were first interested in the Pacific islands as… supply bases for whaling ships. land for growing Western populations. sites for mining operations.

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39 Question #19 American sugar planters asked the United States to annex… Samoa. the Philippines. Hawaii.

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41 Question #20 Filipino rebels expected the United States to recognize their independence because… they were promised so. Britain supported them. they had helped fight the Spanish.

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43 Question #21 ______________, Canada’s first prime minister, encouraged expansion across the continent. Lord Chamberland John Macdonald Douglas Smith

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45 Question #22 The Aborigines were the _____________ inhabitants in Australia. foreign second indigenous

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47 Question #23 Australia was originally established as a ______________. British luxury travel location location for good raw materials penal colony

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49 Question #24 Ranchers carved out huge sheep ranches in the Outback and displaced the _____________. Aleuts Maoris Aborigines

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51 Question #25 The ____________ were descendants of seafaring people from Polynesia. Aleuts Maoris Aborigines

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53 Question #26 Why did Britain pass the Canada Act in 1791? to unite the provinces to ease ethnic tensions to close down the Catholic Church

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55 Question #27 What effect did westward expansion have on Native Americans in Canada? It destroyed their way of life. It expanded their land holdings. It granted them more freedom.

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57 Question #28 Australia’s population boomed with the 1851 discovery of… good pasture land. oil. gold.

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59 Question #29 How did independent Australia keep its ties to Britain? by importing exclusively from Britain by recognizing the British monarch as head of stateby recognizing the British monarch as head of state by keeping women from voting

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61 Question #30 What was one way that New Zealand was a pioneer in democratic government? first to grant women’s suffrage first to introduce the secret ballot first to have a prime minister

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