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E FFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Strategies & types. P RINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 7C’s of communication: Courtesy/ consideration Clarity Correctness.

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Presentation on theme: "E FFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Strategies & types. P RINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 7C’s of communication: Courtesy/ consideration Clarity Correctness."— Presentation transcript:


2 P RINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 7C’s of communication: Courtesy/ consideration Clarity Correctness Concreteness Credibility Completeness and consistency Conciseness

3 P RINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 4S’s Shortness Simplicity Strength Sincerity

4 R ELEVANCE OF C’ S Courtesy and consideration Clarity Credibility Correctness Completeness &consistency Concreteness Conciseness Improves relationship Makes comprehension better Builds trust Builds confidence Introduces stability Reinforces confidence Saves time C’s Relevance

5 R ELEVANCE OF S’ S S’s Shortness Simplicity Strength Sincerity Relevance Economizes Impresses Convinces Appeals

6 C ORRECTNESS The following principles should be borne in mind to be correct: Use the correct level of language Include only facts words and figures Maintain acceptable writing mechanics Apply the following qualities There should be proper grammar punctuation spelling and paragraphing

7 C ONCISENESS Business executives are dead-busy. They don’t have time to go through unnecessarily lengthy messages. The writer is also a loser if he writes wordy messages because it involves more time and money to type and read. Conciseness makes the message more understandable and comprehensible. Eliminate wordy Expressions. Include only relevant material. Avoided unnecessary Repetition.

8 C LARITY Clarity demands that the business message should be correct concise complete concrete and with consideration. Use the right level of language Proper punctuation make the writing clear Check accuracy of fact figure & words

9 C OMPLETENESS The message should be complete to bring desirable results. It should include everything the reader needs for the reaction you desire. You must know what information our reader wants or needs You should be able to know the reader’s background viewpoint needs attitudes and emotions. Provide all necessary information. Answer all questions asked. Give something extra, when desirable.

10 C ONCRETENESS The business writing should be specific definite unambiguous and vivid rather than vague and general The following guidelines lead to concreteness. Use specific facts and figures Put action in your verb Choose vivid image building words

11 C ONSIDERATION Consideration refers to you attitude sympathy the human touch and understanding of human nature. Consideration means the message with the receiver in mind. You should try to visualize your readers their desires problems emotions circumstances and possible reaction to your request. Focus on you instead I & We Show reader benefit or interest in reader Emphasize

12 C OURTESY Courtesy is more important and advantageous in business writing than it is in face to face communication or conversation. Courteous message strengthen present relations and make new friends. It is a goodwill building. Answer your mail promptly Be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative Use expressions that show respect

13 E XAMPLE OF CONCISENESS Wordy At this time Date of the policy In most cases In order to In some cases Due to the fact that For the reason that From the point of view of Concise Now Policy date Usually To Sometimes Because as

14 C ONCISENESS CONTD … In due course At this time On a weekly basis In spite of the fact that Until such time as Meet together Soon Now Weekly Although Until Meet

15 wordy We hereby wish to let you know that we fully appreciate the confidence you have reposed in us. (18 words) concise We appreciate your confidence in us. (6 wor ds)

16 E XERCISE Cut our all the needless repetition of phrases and sentences: Will you ship us sometime, anytime during the month of October, or even November, if you are rushed, for November would suit us just as well, in fact a little better, 300 of the regular 3 by 5 inch blue felt armbands with white sewn letters in the center. (49 letters )

17 S OLUTION TO EXERCISE Please ship parcel post, before the end of November, 300 regular 3 by 5 inch blue felt armbands with white sewn letters at the center. (25 words)

18 We-attitude I want to send my congratulations for… We pay 8% interest on… You-attitude Congratulations to you on your… You earn 8% interest on…

19 W E - ATTITUDE V RS Y OU - ATTITUDE May I take this opportunity to express my thanks for the account you really opened with our store. We are pleased to furnish a wide variety of products for the home or individual customers. Thank you for the account you really opened at Homeland. Serving you with your needs for clothing and home furnishings is a pleasure.

20 Passive words Tests were made by us A full report will be sent to you by the supervisor. These figures are checked by the research department. Active words We made tests. The supervisor will send you the full report. The research department checks these figures.

21 C HOOSE VIVID IMAGE - BUILDING WORDS Colourless The camera has a system that gives you good pictures. Vivid The SONY camera has a UNIQUELY precisely metering system that assures you PROPERLY exposed, true- colour pictures.

22 E XAMPLE OF CONSIDERATION Tactless Your letter is not clear at all; I can’t understand it. Obviously, if you had read your policy carefully, you would be able to answer these questions yourself. Tactful If I understand your letter correctly… Sometimes, policy wording is a little hard to understand. I am glad to clear up these questions for you.

23 Formal Anticipate Endeavour Interrogate Utilize Informal Expect Try Ask Use

24 C ONSIDERATION EXAMPLES Negative expressions Anxious Confuses Destroyed Disgusted Failure I hate Insulted Stressed Painful Lost Transforms into… A little concerned, expectant Curious Setback Surprised Learning I prefer Misunderstood Busy Uncomfortable Searching

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