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WEEK II WEEK OF 8/26/13 Vocabulary/Latin Roots. DAUNTING Verb To make fearful, to discourage, to undermine one’s self confidence Having four hours of.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK II WEEK OF 8/26/13 Vocabulary/Latin Roots. DAUNTING Verb To make fearful, to discourage, to undermine one’s self confidence Having four hours of."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK II WEEK OF 8/26/13 Vocabulary/Latin Roots

2 DAUNTING Verb To make fearful, to discourage, to undermine one’s self confidence Having four hours of homework is DAUNTING. Latin Roots:  Domare – to tame

3 ABNEGATE Verb To renounce, to reject, to deny I told Mr. Daniels that if he does not abnegate his hold on the TV remote, I would be very angry. Roots:  Ab – away  Negare – to deny

4 PARADOX Noun A seemingly contradictory statement that is true When you say, “I’m not going to stand in line and lie down for this!” it is a paradox. Latin Roots:  Para – beyond  Doxa – opinion/belief

5 CANDID Adjective Open, frank and honest; not in the least sugar coated Mrs. Daniels will always give her candid opinion on our writing. Latin:  Candidus – white, pure, guileless

6 BONUS QUESTION If you get this correct, you will receive extra credit on your vocabulary quiz. Is a candidate for President a paradox? Why?

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