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European Culture and Daily Life Renaissance and Reformation Notes.

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1 European Culture and Daily Life Renaissance and Reformation Notes

2 Welcome to Europe!!!

3 What was life like in Europe in the 1500s and 1600s? Daylight means work and night means sleep. o Because most people are farmers. The village center is the community meeting place. o Place for protest, games, sports.

4 What role did superstition play in European life? Most Europeans believe nothing is an accident. o Example: lightening striking a house is the work of a demon. Belief in witches, and witch-hunting, explodes in the 1500s. o Punishment for being found guilty of being a witch was death. o Priests and older folks are looked to for guidance.

5 How did knowledge spread in Europe? Printed works begin spreading throughout villages. o These include broadside, or single sheets of information o Almanacs, or books containing calendars, predictions of weather, and advice for growing crops, also spread throughout Europe. Many schools are established based on religious beliefs.

6 Thought Tickler… Many consider the printing press the most important invention in history…what do you think?

7 How was society changing? The standard of living, or measure of the quality of life, is very low during the 1500s. Peasants living in Europe can afford very little. o Diets consist of mainly eggs and cheese. Meat and fish is very expensive. o People live in thatch-roofed houses with no beds. People begin moving to the city to search for a better life.

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