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1 Stimulating change through ICT 2 March, 2007

2 Agenda ICT for development (ICT4D) Profile IICD Facts & figures Approach Examples of work on the ground Impact Building on expertise Partnerships Challenges for the future

3 Why ICT for development? Lack of information and modern communication tools is an obstacle for improving livelihoods and ‘prevents’ the improvement of basic facilities like education, health care, government services Economic need for developing countries to participate in the digital revolution ACLO, Bolivia

4 Profile IICD Independent non-profit organisation specialised in ICT for development founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1996) Currently involved in Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ghana, Jamaica, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia Focussing on livelihoods (agriculture), education, health, governance and environment Financially supported by DGIS, DFID, SDC, Cordaid, Hivos and PSO Man. Director PF & CS CP IP BoT IAB

5 Residence Head office in The Hague (The Netherlands) 33 staff members

6 Mission IICD assists people in developing countries to create practical and sustainable solutions that connect people and enable them to benefit from ICT to improve their livelihoods and quality of life Compared to others IICD differentiates itself from other organisations in the field of ICT4D through its holistic approach and business-like attitude towards local partners

7 Goals IICD’s mission is supported by the following goals: Empowering local organisations and stakeholders to make effective use of ICT on their own terms Catalysing lessons learned and sharing knowledge on the use of ICT in a development context Trade and tourism policy makers, Uganda

8 Objectives To make local partners aware of the possibilities of modern and traditional media to alleviate poverty and to realise sustainable development on their own terms. To embed ICT as a tool for sustainable development within organisations and in policies on a national or sector level. To stimulate knowledge and information exchange on ICT and sustainable development on a local and international level. To replicate and expand successful ICT-enabled development projects

9 Approach Country programmes; –Roundtable workshops (needs analysis & awareness) –Seed funds –Capacity building –Monitoring & evaluation –Advocacy & lobbying (through local networks) –Policy making (through local networks) Knowledge sharing & expertise building; –Harvesting and dissemination of experiences –Research –Knowledge sharing on an international level Roundtable workshop, Uganda

10 Work on the ground: ICT and livelihoods Access to market price information Improving market / sales potential Knowledge on new products and processes Camari, Ecuador SongTaaba Women, Burkina Faso

11 Work on the ground: ICT and education Increase access to education Improve curriculum Teaching new (ICT) skills Dissemination of study material Global Teenager Project, BoliviaTanEdu, Tanzania

12 Work on the ground: ICT and health Exchange of medical knowledge Medical administration (patients’ records) Kinondoni, Tanzania IKON, Mali HMIS, Uganda IKON, Mali

13 Work on the ground: ICT and governance Access to public services (transparency) Information (democratisation) Exchange of information (decision making) Kinondoni, Tanzania Districtnet, Uganda CIDOB, BoliviaKinondoni, Tanzania

14 Projects per sector 52% 27% 12% 7% 2%

15 Building on expertise Impact studies –Bolivia, livelihoods, education Publications on themes –Rural access, policy processes iConnect series and ebulletin Cross Country Learning Events Online knowledge sharing –Dgroup, iConnect Capacity development Public events for awareness raising –Fill the Gap CIDOB, BoliviaKinondoni, Tanzania Districtnet, Uganda Kinondoni, Tanzania

16 Results (December 2006) 130 projects supported by IICD –Livelihoods (52%), education (27%), governance (12%), health (7%), environment (2%) –30% of projects continue independently –10% of projects closed –Global Teenager Project replicated in 35 countries 250.000 direct end-users and 2.5 million indirect end-users More than 5,000 people trained 11 policy processes; 2 on a national and 9 on sector level 10 national and regional ICT for development networks approx. 50 publications, research and impact studies. 400 Dgroups (incl. GTP) Monitoring & evaluation, Burkna Faso Focus group meeting, Ecuador

17 Impact of our work (Dec 2006) 70% of end-users live in rural areas Increased awareness of added value of ICT within 3 years in all sectors. ‘Empowerment’ equally strong in all sectors (app. 50%) Economic impact -better position to negotiate- in livelihoods has improved, but still below expectations (29%) Organisational impact strongest in education (quality of educational material, curriculum and access to education), followed by governance (transparency, decision making and democratisation) Satisfaction of partners in governance largest Connectivity main obstacle for not achieving project goals Connectivity solutions, Ghana

18 Enabling partners Public sector: financial investment in socio-economic development –e.g. DGIS, DFID, SDC, CIDA, Danida Non-profit sector: knowledge sharing and joint ventures (network of grassroots based organisations) –e.g. Hivos, Cordaid, Oneworld, Bellanet, SchoolNet Africa Private sector: ICT expertise and resources –e.g. Cap Gemini, Manobi, Inter Access Telecentre, Ghana Marc Koning, Inter Access

19 Public-private partnerships Focussed on knowledge sharing (innovation) Fundraising Successful partnerships: Inter Access (governance) Manobi (mobile telecommunications) Cap Gemini (health) KPN (education) Ordina (open source software) Cobit workshop, West-Africa

20 Challenges for the future Improve connectivity More up-scaling and replicating Making local partners more sustainable (funding) Entering new (public-private) partnerships Keeping ICT on the development agenda APCOB, Bolivia

21 “The impact of ICT is comparable to the impact of alphabetisation: who misses this boot will be left stranded”. Veerle Sas, consultant Inter Access Veerle Sas

22 Additional slides on different topics

23 Monitoring & Evaluation Collection and analysis of evaluation results on effectiveness of IICD and the development impact on end users. Goal: Tools: online M&E system, Focus Group Meetings, evaluation reports, etc. Highlights in 2006: 12 Focus Group Meetings 9 country evaluation reports 2 Output-to-Purpose Reviews (projects) 12,000 questionnaires filled out in total Burkina Faso Ecuador

24 Capacity Development Developing individuals skills and competences as well as organisational, sector and national skills to facilitate ICT for development initiatives and to support participation and ownership. Tools: training activities and institutional support. Highlights in 2006: 8 Train-the-trainer programmes 36 Technical Update seminars 4 Lifelong Learning Skills workshops 65 On-the-Job training workshops Training, Mali

25 National ICT4D Networks In each country National ICT4D Networks share knowledge, facilitate learning and raise awareness on ICT for development. Tools: face-to-face meetings, websites, newsletters, e-discussions, events, etc. Highlights 2006: 10 knowledge sharing networks active 100 knowledge sharing events organised 10 local ICT4D websites operational 70 ICT4D newsletters published 11 online communities 2 research projects participation in 6 national ICT policies Cobit workshop, West-Africa Burkina NTIC meeting

26 Roundtable process Bringing local partners together to develop and implement their own ICT projects and policies by making a sector scan and analysing needs together with local partners. Tools: Roundtable workshop, project formulation, capacity development Highlights 2006: 3 Roundtable workshops (education, health, xxx) 30 projects formulated 18 projects started implementation Roundtable, Bolivia

27 Partnerships

28 Global Teenager project Stimulate ‘cross-cultural understanding’ by exchanging information and knowledge via e-mail and internet A ‘new’ way of learning which can be integrated in the existing curriculum of schools Use of ‘Learning Circles’ about topics such as globalisation, HIV/Aids, human rights and culture Global Teenager in 2006: 32 countries world wide 262 classes 6.600 students Content in English, French, Spanish Supported by KPN and Anne Frank Foundation Global Teenager Project

29 Project life cycle IdentificationFormulationImplementation Capacity Development Knowledge Sharing ICT NetworksRoundtable Workshop Learning - Monitoring & Evaluation Independent continuation

30 Seven Guiding Principles Capacity development Multi-stakeholder involvement Partnerships Local ownership Demand-responsiveness Learning by doing Gender equality Roundtable workshop, Uganda

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