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ANU Shutdown Status AEM meeting Cons Gattuso 7 May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ANU Shutdown Status AEM meeting Cons Gattuso 7 May 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANU Shutdown Status AEM meeting Cons Gattuso 7 May 2012

2 Accelerator and NuMI Upgrades April 30,2012 Cons Gattuso, AEM2 Recycler Ring, RR New injection line into RR New extraction line from RR New 53 MHz RF system Instrumentation Upgrades New abort kickers Decommissioning of pbar components Main Injector Two 53 MHz cavities Quad Power Supply Upgrade -Done Low Level RF System NuMI Change to medium energy beam configuration (new target, horn, configuration) Cooling & power supply upgrades

3 Big Picture 17 May 2010Cons Gattuso 3

4 NuMI Work Status Monday April 30 th –Horn and power supply test Ran System at the NoVA era 1.333 sec rep rate successfully Tuesday May 1 st –Target Hall was repaired for Supervised Access…. Rad surveys done Crane electronics were installed Shielding wall removed Wednesday May 2 nd –RAW water system System drained Filter changed out DI Bottles removed 17 May 2010Cons Gattuso 4

5 NuMI Work Status Thursday May 3 nd –Drained glycol from TP chiller (900 Gallons) –Dehumidifier upgrade Disconnect cooling lines to dehumidifier coil box Started initial electrical work –Electrical work Install supplemental lighting and electrical services were added to add in the shutdown work. –Horn 2 work Started disconnecting Horn 2 RAW piping in Target Hall Removed strip line cage 17 May 2010Cons Gattuso 5

6 NuMI Plans For The Week Dehumidifier upgrade Re-pipe system Munters Coil & housing upgrades NOvA Cooling Coil Installation Work runs from 5/7 through 5/18 Provides additional cooling for TP and Chase air handling system Install new lighting & electrical service on top of and behind work cell Install Target Hall rail system Installation of the 3Q120 Quads at the Q113, Q114, & Q120 Transport and installation of Quads to retarget enclosure 17 May 2010Cons Gattuso 6

7 Main Injector Tunnel Work status Monday April 30 th –MI power supply tests Tuesday May 1 st –MI rad survey complete –Doors re-cored Thursday May 3 rd –A short tunnel access was complete to closes all RR and MI beam Valves Friday May 4 th - Monday May 7 th –Tunnel relamping 17 May 2010Cons Gattuso 7

8 This weeks plans Next week: Task specific accesses only Special approval will be needed for any tunnel before May 9th Monday, May 7 th Water Group accessing to layout MI-14 water work Wednesday, May 9 th Fire testing fire protection systems in MI/RR – NO ACCESS until completed (09:00 to 12:00) Accessing to clear MI-60 MVA Thursday, May 10 th Accessing to clear MI-60 MVA As Founds for 614 and injection region Power Supply isolation for MI-8 work Friday, May 11 th Staging equipment for following week General access begins Monday, May 14 th

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