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Welcome to Y6 Please take a seat Our core values of respect, honesty, resilience, responsibility, friendship and unity are crucial to our relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Y6 Please take a seat Our core values of respect, honesty, resilience, responsibility, friendship and unity are crucial to our relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Y6 Please take a seat Our core values of respect, honesty, resilience, responsibility, friendship and unity are crucial to our relationships and learning. In partnership with parents, carers and the wider community, we will promote and sustain these values in our school to enable our children to become successful learners and global citizens ready to meet the challenges of an ever changing world. This half term we are focussing on Friendship

2 Tonight is about… Y6 Events Y6 Routines Y6 Expectations This year’s curriculum

3 Most important thing first: Beginning of the day 8.45 – Doors open 8.50 – Seated and ready to learn 8.55 Dinner register There will be morning work on the whiteboard All dinner monies and reply slips to be left by the sink for Mrs Watts to record and process. All slips to be returned to class and not straight to the office, with the exception of large amounts of residential money

4 Most important thing first: Beginning of the day Walking to school Independence In charge of belongings Remembering kits, clubs and letters

5 Reading 5 x 30 minute sessions in school (What’s in them?) 6x20 minute sessions at home (What’s expected then?) Children are welcome to borrow books from school, including the library.

6 Spellings - Wednesdays Sheet brought home with spellings on Sheet to be returned following Wednesday (there is a short investigation on each one if you would like to complete it with your child) Test on Wednesdays Practice until you know them, however long this takes (1 minute or 1 hour!) (hopefully 9 or 10 correct)

7 Other homework Learning of important maths facts/targets (see separate sheet) Visits to accommodate interests Research of current topics (through Library or Internet)

8 Year Six Timetable Lesson 1 9.15 - 10.15 Lesson 2 10.45 - 11.45 Lesson 3 11.45 - 12.15 Lesson 4 1.15 - 2.15 Lesson 5 2.15 - 3.15 MondayMathsEnglishReading TuesdayMathsEnglishReading1.15 PE (with Mrs Czech) 2.15 RE/PSHE (with Mrs Pickering) WednesdayMathsEnglishReading1.15-1.45 Singing 1.45-3.15 Art (with Mrs Claytor) ThursdayMathsEnglishReadingICT FridayMathsEnglishReadingPE 8.45-9.00 Morning Work (Maths) 9.00-9.15 Spelling Mon, Tue, Wed. Handwriting Thurs, Fri. Blank spaces used to explore current learning journey (Art, DT, Music, MFL, Enterprise, ICT, History, Geography) as well as this happening sometimes in English, Maths, Reading and ICT

9 Learning Journeys This half term: Grand Designs This consists of: The 7 Ancient Wonders of the World (Geography/History) Designing a web-page (ICT) Landscapes and Mazes (Art) Designing an Eighth Wonder (Art/DT) Forces and Structures (Science/DT)

10 Learning Journeys Coming half terms: Picture This City of Steel: (Sheffield in the Victorian Era) Coasts (Residential) Celebrities Going for Gold (The Olympics)

11 This Year’s Visits Yorkshire Sculpture Park £10.25 Crucial Crew (approx) £5 Residential £270

12 Learning Skills Resilience Reflection Team, Partner and Group Work Critical and Creative Thinking Communication Problem Solving

13 What is expected at the end of the year? Government guidelines say the nationally expected level at the end of Year 6 is Level 4.

14 What is expected at the end of the year? SAT’s (?) Reading Writing Maths Science

15 What is expected at the end of the year? Teacher Assessments

16 Transition Wales High School (or otherwise) Transition Program organised by them… Two half days One full day Other events over the course of the year (sports, design tasks, music events, open days…)

17 If You Need to Discuss Anything … please come and see myself or Mrs Watts (depending on what it is). It is difficult to give you more than a few minutes in a morning but we will give you as much time as you need after school.

18 A few other small things Snacks (Healthy) and Tuck Shop PE kit: MONDAYS to FRIDAYS Water bottles (Water only)

19 Looking forward to seeing everybody at parent’s evening, after half term. I can tell you all the children have made a good (or better) start to Year 6!

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