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PS 512 Welcome to Unit 3 Withdrawal Designs Any Questions?

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Presentation on theme: "PS 512 Welcome to Unit 3 Withdrawal Designs Any Questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PS 512 Welcome to Unit 3 Withdrawal Designs Any Questions?

2 Readings: Chapter 5, Chapter 6 Schilling, D., & Schwartz, I. (2004). Alternative Seating for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Effects on Classroom Behavior. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, August, Vol. 34(4), p.423-432. Retrieved from ERIC Database.

3 Basic Withdrawal Designs Withdrawal designs provide direct evidence for Prediction, Verification, and Replication AB Baseline / Treatment ABA Baseline/ Treatment / Baseline ABAB Baseline/ Treatment/ Baseline/ Treatment Of these designs, the ABAB is the most useful for demonstrating functional relationships

4 Withdrawal Designs Video

5 Withdrawal designs are useful : – For demonstrating clear functional relationships between variables – When the intervention can be reversed – When the effects of the intervention will not remain once the treatment is reversed – When withdrawal of treatment does not compromise ethics

6 Example The effect of praise on increasing ‘In Seat’ behavior First Steps: – Define ‘In Seat’ – Define ‘Praise’ Baseline (A)Treatment (B)Baseline (A)Treatment (B) Measure ‘in seat’ behavior for 3 days under current conditions Praise every 2 minutes when ‘in seat’ for 5 days Discontinue praise for 3 days Praise every 2 minutes when ‘in seat’ for 5 days. Continue treatment if effectiveness is demonstrated

7 Withdrawal designs are less useful: – When the target behavior is not reversible – When the treatment effects continue after the treatment is withdrawn – When it’s not in the client’s best interest to return to baseline – When withdrawal of treatment would be unethical

8 Examples Using Physical Prompting and Differential Reinforcement to decrease self injurious face slapping Problem: It may be dangerous or unethical to withhold treatment while collecting baseline data Aversive treatment to eliminate ‘alcohol drinking’ behavior Problem: Effects of aversive therapy are likely to linger beyond the treatment period

9 Variations of the Basic Withdrawal Design BAB Treatment/ Baseline/ Treatment – When impossible or inappropriate to take an extended baseline ABABAB Base/Treat/Base/Treat/Base/Treat – To increase confidence in the functionality of the relationship we’ve demonstrated ABC Baseline/Treat 1/Treat 2 – When trialing different treatments ABAC Base/Treat 1/Base/Treat 2 – When trying to increase experimental control while trialing different treatments

10 Use Physical Prompting and Differential Reinforcement to decrease self injurious face slapping TREATMENTBASELINETREATMENT Implement procedure for 10 days Brief withdrawalImplement procedure and continue if effective

11 Using Token Reinforcement to increase percentage of time spent “In Seat” ABAB

12 ABC Using Praise, then Praise+ Token to Increase % Time in Seat

13 Graphing Single Subject Reversal Design with Excel Graphing Single Subject Reversal Design with Excel

14 Review Later Importing your graph into a word document

15 Questions?

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