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Calcasieu Parish Disproportionality Efforts Valla M. Johnson Calcasieu Parish LMSW, MA, C-SSWS

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1 Calcasieu Parish Disproportionality Efforts Valla M. Johnson Calcasieu Parish LMSW, MA, C-SSWS

2 P EOPLE F IRST L ANGUAGE Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People First Language. Disability is Natural. Retrieved August 1, 2012 from sh09.pdf “People First Language puts the person before the disability and describes what a person has, not who a person is.”

3 What is Disproportionality? “Disproportionality is the over representation of certain minority/ethnic groups in special education and the underrepresentation of that same minority/ethnic group in gifted education”

4 What is required? States are required annually to collect and examine state/LEA data to determine whether significant disproportionality based on race/ethnicity is occurring in certain areas. (Gamm, 2010)

5 Why is Disproportionality a Problem? If we find bias or inappropriate practice at any phase of the referral and placement process that leads to disproportionate representation, then we must treat disproportionality as a problem (Heller, Holtzman, & Messick, 1982).

6 Risk Ratios in Calcasieu Parish - Special Education Classifications Race/Ethnicity: Black2005-20062010-2011 All Students with Disabilities1.231.19 Autism0.550.69 Emotional Disturbance1.290.87 Specific Learning Disability1.591.57 Other Health Impairment0.640.74 Speech/Language Impairment0.820.88 Mental Disabilities MD-All 2.51 1.96 MD-Mild 3.48

7 Calcasieu’s Response How has Calcasieu Parish addressed this issue of disproportionality? – Strategic and Action Plans – Hiring of Disproportionality Program Administrator to implement the plan – School Disproportionality Contact Persons

8 Additional Action Steps Disproportionality Training Provided to the following groups: – All District Level Staff – Principals and Assistant Principals – Counselors – Speech Therapists – School Bus Drivers – Individual Faculties at the school campus – Pupil Appraisal Staff – Special Education Program Facilitators – Behavior Facilitators – Homebound Staff – Vision and Hearing Itinerants – Occupational and Physical Therapists

9 Additional Action Steps (continued) Hosted a Community Forum with two national speakers addressing disproportionality issues Hosted a think tank community meeting in conjunction with Positive Connections addressing Educating Students with Mental Illness: Disproportionality Is Not An Option Met with some leaders in the religious community

10 Additional Action Steps (continued) Appeared on television and radio informing public about events Speak at parent nights Parent focus groups hosted

11 Additional Action Steps (continued) Disproportionality Program Administrator makes annual written and/or verbal reports to the school board Disproportionality Program Administrator serves on all district level leadership teams

12 Roles and Duties of the School Based Disproportionality Contact Persons Key contact person and conduit of information and communication from the Disproportionality Program Administrator and school staff This person serves as the key knowledge source on disproportionality in their educational setting This person will identify staff, student, family and community needs as they relate to disproportionality

13 Questions? You can also contact me at

14 The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H323A110003. However those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.


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