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AIAA Public Policy Committee Meeting Chaired by: John C. Rose 22 October 2014 Boeing South Carolina—787 Dreamliner Facility Charleston, SC.

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Presentation on theme: "AIAA Public Policy Committee Meeting Chaired by: John C. Rose 22 October 2014 Boeing South Carolina—787 Dreamliner Facility Charleston, SC."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIAA Public Policy Committee Meeting Chaired by: John C. Rose 22 October 2014 Boeing South Carolina—787 Dreamliner Facility Charleston, SC

2 Agenda I.Welcome and Procedures0800-0810 Boeing Representative Brian Kirby II.Opening Remarks0810-0820 John Rose, Deputy Chair, Public Policy Committee III.Opening Remarks0820-0830 Sandy Magnus, Executive Director, AIAA IV.2015 Key Issue Development0830-1100 V.PPC/Forum engagements 1100-1130 VI.PPC composition: members and structure (prelim.)1130-1200 Working Lunch Served1200 2

3 Opening Comments Brian Kirby, Boeing Charleston, and our host John Rose, Deputy for PPC Sandy Magnus, Executive Director, AIAA 3 3

4 AIAA Public Policy Staff 22 October 2014 Fall AIAA Public Policy Meeting Charleston, SC

5 Introducing Sean Callahan Sean Callahan will join AIAA’s team as a Manager of Public Policy and Government Relations on 10 November 2014. For the past four years, Sean has served as a senior advisor on defense and transportation policy to Rep. Colleen Hanabusa (D-HI), particularly her work on the House Armed Services Committee. 5 Before joining Hanabusa’s staff, Sean spent several years as a logistics and procurement manager for Halliburton and for Kellogg, Brown, and Root supporting defense and infrastructure projects in Africa and the Middle East. Born in Fort Knox, KY, to a career military officer, Sean holds a BA in economics and political science from the University of Hawaii, and will obtain a MA in international affairs from American University in December.

6 Duane Hyland, Media Relations Duane long supported the Public Policy  Grassroots and Education and Workforce portfolios.  He has been Mr. CVD Transitioning to full-time Media Relations Sean will take on  Primary support of Grassroots and Education & Workforce SC  Guide CVD Strategy and Key Issue Development AIAA Event Planner and Protocol Project Coordinator will assist with CVD logistics 6

7 Rodger Williams, Managing Director, Strategic Outreach Oversee Enterprise Communications, Aerospace America, Public Policy, and content curation strategies (i.e., new book acquisition, virtual content development, etc.) 7


9 Key Issues Timeline- 2015 Members question Key Issues slate yet rarely participate in process… Reality Check… Review SC inputs for ‘thread’ alignments – TODAY! Reduce topics under each “thread” – TODAY Assign “Key Author” to lead paper dev – TODAY Support authors engaged – 10/27 Draft of KIs to PPC Ex Comm – 11/7 PPC blessed, sent to AIAA staff – 11/14 AIAA formatting & editting done – 11/21 BoD vote – Sci Tech, January 2015

10 CVD Key Issues – Threads (Industrial Base 1 of 2) Industrial Base Risk aversion. Use discussion from P&E sessions for input. (Aero) Reauthorization of Export/Import bank. Impact to industrial base. * (Aero) Sequestration, impact of shutdown, Congress inactivity and negative impact on procurement and industry. Time for procurement. Pressures of sequestration and squeezing of budget. Many acquisition people with no industry experience so interactions very foreign. Also with Administration coming to an end, people leaving. (Aero) Remove Commercial Space Transportation from ITAR list (should be coming from TAC. AIAA successful in having satellites removed from list and should do the same for commercial space transportation. (Space) Keeping pace with new and innovative private space activities. As innovative private space activities emerge, are U.S. laws and regulations keeping up to both support entrepreneurship and meet our international obligations? (Space) Complete Public/Private Human Earth-Orbit Access Programs in a Timely Manner. End reliance on Russian transportation to low-Earth orbit by providing proper investment (including propulsion) in the PPP crew vehicle development programs, which will help grow the commercial space industry. (Space & TAC) Human spaceflight direction/priorities: Generate a credible, long-term human space exploration strategy with specific, achievable goals (Space) *Rodger to circle back with Steve on AIAA position. Probably split cross membership – producers for it, operations not. 10

11 CVD Key Issues – Threads (Industrial Base 2 of 2) Industrial Base Secure supply chain. Not only cyber related (outsourcing of key components that are access points), but overall readiness and reliability of NS hardware. (NS) Increase the NASA Budget - Not only full funding for the commercial crew and cargo concepts, but need to push for expanded funding to implement with maximum speed. Expand the funding for the NASA Office of Space Technology. All of this with added funding reducing funds from other areas. More support of the private space industry, specifically public-private partnerships which will encourage commercial spaceflight. Increase advanced propulsion funding (TAC) 11

12 CVD Key Issues – Threads (Cybersecurity) Cybersecurity Security of national transportation system – NextGen. Civil/commercial side airlines will have to worry about how things network – operations, health maintenance networks (wireless). Ret. Gen Ed Bolton is new Vicki Cox at FAA. We ought to reach out to him. (Rodger will do so) (Aero) Verification/validation of cyber systems – a/c are flying networks. R&D issue – Networking Information Tech R&D – interagency organization that reports to OSTP (NITRD). Physical security. (Aero) Replacing black boxes with real time telemetry (Malasia flight). (Aero) Protecting Space Assets and Providing Space Situational Awareness: Provide for protection of existing space assets from disabling or interference/jamming, particularly Comsats and GPS satellites (Space) Protect IP – quite easy for criminals to attack retail businesses and steal PII. A&D should realize that nation states are attacking aerospace corporations and stealing Intellectual Property. (NS) Aviation safety – even congress people can understand that airplanes and the air traffic control system can be vulnerable, with bad consequences. (NS) Cyber defense for spacecraft – What is a realistic and achievable approach? (NS) 12

13 CVD Key Issues – Threads (Workforce) Workforce Work force reliance on computational tools and less on real testing and so that adds risk. (Aero) Next Generation IPA – inter-government personnel agreements. University/Govt/Industry TDY exchange. Allow more rotation from industry to government, etc. Should we learn more about this and support it? Across whole national security community. Supported at OSTP. Reach out to Dr. Reed Skaggs, IPA from Army Research Lab to OSTP. Robie will initiate contact. (Aero) A strong government human space flight program beyond Earth orbit inspires young people to join the scientific and technical workforce. The expanding human space flight industry is enabling the transport of humans, scientific instruments, and cargo to low Earth orbit, further enhancing educational, workforce, and commercial opportunities. (Space) Focused effort on integrating ‘cyber warriors’ (CS, Info Security, etc) into A&D mainstream jobs. (NS) Expand ‘Cyber Patriot’ type applications…Boeing effort working with schools on combining UAV & cyber into a DBF type activity. (NS) Recommend that the Government “appoint administrators at both the state and national levels to monitor progress and establish baselines for assessing current and developing future programs.“ Because based on experience, STEM program reviews consistently confirm that programs benefit from data-based assessment processes.(TAC) 13

14 CVD Key Issues – Orphans Near Earth Objects (NEO) - The AIAA should encourage our government to be more active and aggressive in programs/projects/products that enhance our ability to locate, monitor and possibly to take action against any threatening NEOs. Address Legal barriers to Space Colonization 14

15 PPC/Forum Engagement PPC members identified, but engagement seems ‘spotty’ at best CMAC, where some PPC members reside, not being engaged PPC KI’s not transitioning to major forum presence 15

16 PPC Composition Size of roster…70+ ‘members’ ?!? Sub-committee structure best for supporting ‘themes’ approach? Corp Member en gagement?  PPC engages CMC, but 2-way communication? Cyber working group…connected with PPC. Other similar groups in the institute, around PPC related topics? Could lead to mixed messages 16

17 Agenda VII.Subcommittee Reports1210-1250 VIII.Grassroots1250-1320 a.State Aerospace DaysHattis b.2015 Congressional Visits DayHyland c.Regional Reports IX.Honors and Awards 1320-1340 a.Public Service AwardWilliams b.Durand LectureshipPPC and AIAA staff X.Old Business1340-1350 a.PPC Sponsorship of non-AIAA ActivitiesWilliams XI.New Business1350-1400 XII.Upcoming Meetings a.Winter Public Policy MeetingRose b.Spring Public Policy Committee MeetingRose XIII.AdjournRose 17

18 State Activities Working Group (SA WG): Status Report for the PPC October 22, 2014 Phil Hattis, State Activities Working Group Chair

19 Outline Upcoming State-level events with AIAA participation State events needing AIAA liaisons States with nascent planning activities Status of CMC coordination 19

20 Upcoming State-Level Events with AIAA Participation California: March 2015 (final week selection pending)  John Rose represents AIAA in Aerospace Week planning  Will have multi-faceted program building on prior experience Florida: Wednesday, March 25  Joaquin Castro represents AIAA in Space Day planning Georgia: Wednesday, February 4 (tentative date)  Steve Justice represents AIAA and leads the Georgia Aerospace Breakfast planning Hawaii: 11/9-13/14  AIAA Seeking participatory role in Next Giant Leap forum  Participation details being worked out 20

21 State Events Needing AIAA Liaisons Colorado  An existing coalition holds an annual event  No participation by AIAA in planning since last year’s event  Seeking help through Lockheed Martin to find a local AIAA volunteer to participate in event planning Virginia  An existing group holds an annual event  AIAA participation in past limited to staff attendance  Help being sought from past AIAA board members and corporate members who are resident in VA for planning participation Texas  Existing coalition holds bi-annual events tied to the once-every-two-years Texas legislative calendar  Local volunteers are needed for organized AIAA participation in planning 21

22 States with Nascent Event Planning Activities Utah  A local AIAA representative, Ronald Thue, is exploring paths for bring together Utah aerospace leaders and representatives of the state government  This is being worked with account for in ASA plans to organize a Utah chapter Arizona  Local members have expressed interest in organizing state-level aerospace advocacy events  A path for working effectively with the legislature of governor’s office still needs to be identified Delaware  The Region 1 DD for Public Policy is working toward holding an initial “Aerospace Awareness Day”  Plans are still pending 22

23 Status of CMC Coordination Close coordination between the PPC/SA WG and the CMC is sought An SA WG briefing to the CMC occurred on August 6 Specific help requested of the CMC:  Assistance in recruiting volunteer leaders from corporate members located in states with new SA WG initiatives  Help building corporate participation span and sponsorship in states with on-going SA WG activities CMC member feedback still pending regarding any volunteers 23

24 AIAA Congressional Visits Day 2015 Preview and Status Review 22 October 2014 Charleston, SC

25 AIAA Congressional Visits Day 2015 Schedule 11 March 2015 – All activity on Capitol Hill 0730 – 0900  Kick-Off Breakfast on the Hill (Location TBD) 900 – 1700  Meetings with Congressional Staff per your team’s schedule 1730 – until  Informal, no-host Happy Hour (Location TBD) 25

26 CVD 2015 Sponsorship Opportunities CVD is one of the ways AIAA takes a leadership role in educating policymakers about our profession:  Makes sure they know what’s going on in aerospace  Helps to build a value of and appreciation for our field  Advocates for policies that –Support our work; –Create and protect jobs; and –Ensure decisions are based on expertise about what really matters.  Reminds them that aerospace is not only important to the U.S. but also to their constituents Sponsorship of CVD is a great opportunity that includes recognition  During the opening address  In promotional collateral before, during, and after the events. Two Opportunities:  Networking breakfast: $5,000  Networking reception: $15,000 If your organization might be interested, please contact Duane, Rodger, or Merrie ScottDuaneRodgerMerrie Scott 26

27 AIAA Congressional Visits Day Web Conferences To prepare for CVD, we will hold weekly training web conferences late January through early March, for a total of six training sessions. Two of the calls will be scheduled to meet the needs of our members in the Pacific and Mountain time zones. Sessions will cover both the logistics and etiquette of CVD and AIAA’s Key Issues 2015. Anyone interested in being a Key Issues presenter should contact Duane Hyland. 27

28 CVD Travel Stipends AIAA will once again make limited travel support available to CVD attendees. Applicants will once again be asked to submit a stipend request form to a PPC subcommittee established to approve stipend disbursements. The subcommittee will consider the need of all applicants and grant stipends between $100 to $500. 28

29 CVD Travel Stipends (cont.) Priority Considerations  Students  Young Professionals  First-time attendees  Retired Members  Distance Traveled to Participate Applications due 16 January 2015 Awardees notified by 31 January 2015 29

30 Questions If you have questions about the stipend process, please contact Duane Hyland 703.264.7558 30

31 Thank You! As you know by now, my role at AIAA has transitioned to a full-time focus on communications, and this will mark my last CVD. It has been my great privilege to serve the Public Policy Committee since 2008, as we have worked to build CVD into one of the Institute’s premier programs. I have enjoyed working with each of you, and I sincerely thank you for your investment of time, talent, and energy into helping AIAA effectively advocate for our community in the public policy arena. 31

32 Public Policy Honors and Awards

33 AIAA Public Service Award--2015 Nominee Congressman Ralph M. Hall U.S. House of Representatives 4th District, Texas Nominated by: Sandy Coleman References:  Dr. Scott Pace, George Washington University  Frank Culbertson, Orbital Sciences  Charlie Precourt, ATK Basis for Award Hall has been a champion of ensuring America’s leadership in space to preserve competitiveness and national security since he was first elected to Congress in 1980. Highlights of his service on the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:  Has served continuously on the Committee since first elected to Congress in 1980  The only Member to serve as Ranking Member both as a Democrat and as a Republican  Former chairman of the Space Subcommittee  Chairman of the full Committee in the 112 th Congress and Chairman Emeritus in the 113 th 33

34 AIAA Public Service Award 2016 Process Typically all awards require at least 3 nominations HAC Chair George Muellner granted an exception to PPC for the 2015 nomination If PPC foresees an ongoing challenge to meeting the minimum nomination requirements, a formal request to change the award criteria granting an permanent exception will need to be brought to HAC at regularly scheduled HAC meeting. 34

35 Durand Lectureship in Public Service The Durand Lectureship, named in honor of William F. Durand, was approved by the Board of Directors in 1983. It is presented for notable achievements by a scientific or technical leader whose contributions have led directly to the understanding and application of the science and technology of aeronautics and astronautics for the betterment of mankind. This lectureship is delivered as the keynote address for the AIAA Public Policy Luncheon during the AIAA Science and Technology (SCITECH) Forum. 35

36 Durand Lectureship Process and Schedule Nomination Deadline1 February 2015 PPC Recommendation Decision no later than 15 April 2015 PPC Recommendation to HAC30 April 2015 HAC Presentation to the BoD for approval 6 May 2015 Note: Annual schedule will be dependent on the Spring Board meeting schedule. 36

37 Durand Lectureship (cont.) Need 3 complete nominations to be presented Nominees not selected will carryover for next consideration. Not eligible  Current Board members are not eligible until term ends  PPC members also not eligible until 12 months after term of service on PPC. To Nominate Past recipients 37

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