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Diffusion of iPads in the classroom By Sadie Rodgers.

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1 Diffusion of iPads in the classroom By Sadie Rodgers

2 January 27, 2010 “iPad is our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s former CEO.

3 Why do we need the iPad? There are many uses for the iPad but the main reason for having an iPad is because of portability. There are many educational possibilities.

4 Research/Development 1993- Apple produced the Newton Message Pad 100 which was its first tablet 1993-1998- Apple released several PDA devices but discontinued them 2007- Apple introduced the iPhone- features multi-touch and Apple IOS operating system January 27, 2010- Steve Jobs announced the iPad Steve Jobs said that Apple was working on the iPad before the iPhone but the project was put on hold

5 Research/Development cont. iPad had a codename K48 to try and keep it from leaking to the press One change was made to the iPad after initial pre-orders started and that was a switch change.

6 Commercialization March 12, 2010- Apple begins to accept pre- orders for the iPad April 3, 2010- Apple’s Wi-Fi iPad went on sale: it was initially sold with a data plan Originally the only place selling iPads was Apple Stores and other Apple retail locations. Apple sold approximately fifteen million iPads before the launch of the second generation iPad was released on in March 2011.

7 Resources Apple-Launches-iPad.html Apple-Launches-iPad.html

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