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Developing Growth Mindsets You have the POWER to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

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2 Developing Growth Mindsets You have the POWER to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!



5 The Brain is COOL! Let’s See How YOUR Brain is Wired, Dude!

6 Where Does Your Brain Peak? Fixed Right or Wrong? Growth Right or Wrong…Why?

7 Carol Dweck- Stanford University

8 Dweck’s Findings: Two Mindsets Fixed mindset:  You are born with a specific amount of Intelligence and talent  Talent creates success, effort doesn’t make a difference  When you learn something, you either get it or you don’t  LOOK GOOD AT ALL COSTS (Never let folks know you don’t get it) Growth mindset:  Brains and talent are just the starting point  Intelligence CAN be developed  Enjoy effort and the process of learning  Believe you can always grow and learn  LEARN AT ALL COSTS ( I don’t care what others think, I just want to learn!)

9 Magic Formula for Success Mindsets plus equals Skill Sets RESULTS!

10 Fixed Mindset Response: Helpless When faced with FAILURE or CHALLENGE, people with a FIXED mindset: Don’t' pay attention to learning information, they just give up. (I can never do this…) Get depressed, lose self-esteem. (Poor me!) Say to themselves “See, I am stupid’ Under-represent past successes and over-represent failures (I never do things right) Explain the cause of events as something stable about them. (I am ALWAYS this way!)

11 Growth Mindset Response: Mastery When faced with failure or challenge, people with a GROWTH mindset: Pay attention to learning information, and so do better on future tests. (Next time I’ll know to do this…) Focus on what they are learning, rather than focusing on how they feel. (If I pay attention, I will get this) Try out new ways of doing things. (I’ll try another way!) Use self-motivating statements such as ‘ the harder it gets the harder I try’. When faced with tests which are impossible to pass they will factor in other reasons and not blame their intellect. (This test was beyond my ability for NO, but next time…)

12 Carol S. Dweck, Standford University Mindset: The new psychology of success “New research which reveals that intelligence can be developed, and expertise can be built by means of deliberate practice.”

13 Intelligence = _____% effort vs. _____% ability Fixed = 35% effort vs. 65% ability Growth = 65% effort vs. 35% ability


15 From neuroscience we know that… Neurons that fire together Wire together!

16 Tom Cruise/ Actor "I had to train myself to focus my attention. I became very visual and learned how to create mental images in order to comprehend what I read." Danny Glover / Actor "Kids made fun of me because I was dark skinned, had a wide nose, and was dyslexic. Even as an actor, it took me a long time to realize why words and letters got jumbled in my mind and came out differently.“ Danny Glover / Actor “ Anthony Hopkins / Actor My childhood was "awful" - not because of any lack of parental love, but because I was so hopeless at school. I was a moody, lonely, an only child whose main pleasure was playing the piano and whose father worried about him not being like other boys. I believe that success has made me a nicer person. "I feel more responsive to other people because I'm not so insecure. I just feel reassured that I wasn't the moron I thought I was."Anthony Hopkins / Actor Henry Winkler / Actor, author "As a child, I was called stupid and lazy. On the SAT I got 159 out of 800 in math. My parents had no idea that I had a learning disability. If you will it, it is not a dream. The great thing about a learning problem is it forces you to become a problem solver.“ Henry Winkler / Actor, author Learning Challenges Didn’t Stop Them!

17 Challenges Didn’t Stop Them! Thomas Edison / InventorThomas Edison / Inventor "My teachers say I'm addled... my father thought I was stupid, and I almost decided I must be a dunce." John R. Horner / Paleontologist, author I barely made it through school. I read real slow. But I like to find things that nobody else has found, like a dinosaur egg that has an embryo inside. Well, there are 36 of them in the world, and I found 35."John R. Horner / Paleontologist, author Albert Einstein / Physicist, Nobel Prize Winner Had Delayed Speech and Reading Skills Alexander Graham Bell / InventorAlexander Graham Bell / Inventor – RING RING! Wernher von Braun / Rocket Engineer Pierre Curie, Physicist 1903 Nobel Prize) Michael Faraday / Physicist Michael Faraday / Physicist Henry Ford / Inventor Henry Ford / Inventor Varoom Varoom!

18 Made it Despite Challenges! Cher / Actress, singer "I never read in school. I got really bad grades--D's and F's and C's in some classes, and A's and B's in other classes. In the second week of the 11th grade, I just quit. When I was in school, it was really difficult. Almost everything I learned, I had to learn by listening. My report cards always said that I was not living up to my potential. Don't focus on how Dyslexia makes life tougher......instead........hear the invisible voices of creativity that sing louder in your heart that those less fortunate people who have not been given our gift (curse) to challenge them to greater heights. Make peace with it and fly!" Britney Spears / Singer River Phoenix / Actor Usher / Singer

19 Struggled in School, Made it in Business! Charles Schwab / Investor & multimillionaire businessman"I couldn't read. I just scraped by. My solution back then was to read classic comic books because I could figure them out from the context of the pictures. Now I listen to books on tape. Charles Schwab / Investor & multimillionaire businessman John Corcoran / Real Estate "Understand how your brain works; recognize and understand the problems of learning differently. It is hard work to teach people like me, and it is hard for people like me to learn. To learn to read and spell makes me feel successful---at last I am whole." Fred Curry / Chairman & CEO of Greyhound Bus Reyn Guyer / Nerf ball developer William Hewlett / Co-Founder of Hewlett-Packard Tommy Hilfiger / Fashion designer Steve Jobs / Founder of Apple Computer

20 & WALK AND TALK: Movement and Talk helps cement learning Who is a Growth mindset role model in YOUR life?

21 Begin to notice: What messages you allow into your brain? Our teachers? Our parents? Our friends? OurSELVES??? Messages and thoughts affect the chemicals in our brains…

22 Believe In Yourself and Work Hard Work Hard! Try Hard! Believe Hard!

23 EFFORT IS ESSENTIAL! They Grow Them By Working Hard and Never Giving Up! Brains Don’t Grow Neural Connections Magically

24 Mindset Review  Fixed mindset – ability cannot change  Growth mindset – ability can change (grow) with effort

25 What Will You Choose? You have the POWER to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

26 Growth Mindset Growth or Fixed? which are you? How do you think? You can always substantially change how intelligent you are You embrace challenges, because you know they will make you stronger Obstacles and setbacks don’t discourage you, failing doesn’t scare you, you view it as an opportunity to learn. Criticism and negative feedback isn’t always about you, but your current abilities and you see it as a way to improve. You view the success of others as an inspiration 1.Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can't change very much. 2.You can learn new things, but you can't really change how intelligent you are. 3.You avoid challenges because you’re not sure if you’ll succeed and you don’t want it to ruin your image 4.When someone gives you feedback, it feels like a criticism of your capabilities and of you 5.Sometimes you wish you could bring down the success of others GG Growth Mindset GG Fixed Mindset What is it? - It is a way of thinking, believing that who you are is constantly changeable. - It is the belief that every moment is simply a passageway to becoming a better person. - It is the mentality that learning and growth are endless and that the greatest accomplishments are met through dedication, practice, and effort. Famous people with a Growth Mindset If you’re open to growth, you tend to grow Michael Jordan, J.K. Rowling, and Oprah exemplify the core concepts of a growth mindset. Each of these celebrities have faced failure and criticism but with hard work and dedication they have mastered their skills and become incredibly successful.

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