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What Are You Doing Here?. Indiana University exists to teach you how to change the world.

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Presentation on theme: "What Are You Doing Here?. Indiana University exists to teach you how to change the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Are You Doing Here?

2 Indiana University exists to teach you how to change the world.

3 Your Mission WHAT do you want to do? Why do you think YOU are the person to do it? What are you DOING about it? Why are you HERE at I.U?

4 Career = management of You, Inc.

5 Management= Capitalizing on the unique talent of each person Leadership = Capitalizing on what is universal to all

6 Career Management Step #1: Go hire an employer. Key Principles: Ebb & flow, Seasons, Law of the Harvest Implication: You must have an ROI plan

7 Step #2: Take a job for what it teaches. If you invest intellectually, What will the ROI be? People join a company. And they leave a boss.

8 “If there’s nothing really very special about your work no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed. You won't get paid that much either.”



11 Step #3: Learn good habits. What have you achieved? Skill What do you care deeply about? Desire

12 Desire Knowledge Skill

13 Some Ideas 1.Get busy! 2.Have dreams. 3.Do things that matter. 4.The Golden Rule works. 5.Listen first, then talk. 6.Take “No” for a question. 7.Balance is better.

14 1. Get busy! Can-do people Take the initiative Think about solutions Act “I’ll do it.” “I can do better.” “I choose to…” “There’s got to be a way.” “I’m not going to let your bad mood rub off on me.” No-can-do people Wait for things to happen & then deal with it Think about problems & obstacles Acted upon “I’ll try” “That’s just the way I am.” “I have to…” “You ruined my day.”

15 1. Get busy! Comfort Zone Things you enjoy Things you’re good at Easy stuff Things that don’t challenge you Things you do without being asked Courage Zone Things you haven’t tried Unknown Opportunities Serving others Problems with no single right answer Doing the right thing Things that take practice & self- discipline

16 2. Have dreams. Alice: Would you tell me please which way I ought to walk from here? Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to go. Alice: I don’t much care where. Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you walk.

17 What 5 dreams do you have? How Urgent are they? How Important are they?

18 3. Do What Matters. 1. Procrastinator –Always running late –Crisis Mode –Deadline driven 2. Yes to everything –Interruptions –Things that don’t matter much –Random things –Going along with the crowd 3. Prioritizer –Do Something! –Having Dreams –Doing What Matters –Living the Golden Rule –Being a good listener. –Letting “No” drive you. –Living a balanced life. 4. Slacker –Endless Phone calls –Excessive TV –Time-Wasters –Mall Marathons

19 Schedule your priorities. Don’t prioritize your schedule. What’s Important Now?

20 Stop living by the clock! Live by your compass!

21 Live “as if”. If you knew you only had one day left on earth… –What would you do? –Who would you want to see? –What would you say? –What do you think God will want to talk about tomorrow ?

22 4. The Golden Rule works. We all have personal goals –T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore –Win-Win Thinking What kind of people do you like? –Generous –Sharing –Helpful –Interested in you –Supportive

23 5. Listen first. Then talk. Two Ears. One Mouth. 1.Listen, Learn & understand what works. 2.Try to make it work for you! 3.It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.

24 6. Take “No” for a question. “No” = “Can’t you be more creative?” –Let “No” motivate you. –Winners are not always smartest –Winners can always learn & re-learn. Tell others your dreams –Maybe there is another way…

25 Making Dreams Happen 1.What dream do you want? 2.Listen to why others say “No”, so you understand. 3.Then, explain your dream & why you want it. 4.Together, clarify, expand, make suggestions. 5.Sooner or later, dreams happen.

26 7. Balance is better. It’s hard to be friendly when you’re feeling weak & exhausted. But, when you’re feeling in tune with your soul it’s easier to focus on your classes, and be more friendly.

27 “You are the storyteller of your life, and you can create your own legend, or not.” ---Isabel Allende

28 What’s your story? How you Live  Physical –Exercise, Eat, Sleep, Relax

29 What’s your story? Who you Love  Emotional –Relationships with family & friends, Serving others, Things you enjoy

30 What’s your story? What you want to Learn  Mental –Read, Write, Learn, Teach

31 What’s your story? What the Light within shines for  Spiritual –Prayer, Meditation, Journaling, Quiet time


33 Sharpening the Saw Eat good food. Draw. Doodle. Exercise. Do Yoga. Get enough sleep. Take time to relax. Play sports. Enjoy music. Playing piano, singing… Be a good friend.

34 Changing the world is all about your choices.

35 So be sure when you step Step with care and great tact And remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains. Dr. Seuss “Oh, The Places You’ll Go”

36 What Are You Doing Here?

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