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Passport to Democracy Lesson 10. So far we’ve:  Identified the three principles that underpin Democracy  Looked at the 3 levels of government  Researched.

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Presentation on theme: "Passport to Democracy Lesson 10. So far we’ve:  Identified the three principles that underpin Democracy  Looked at the 3 levels of government  Researched."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passport to Democracy Lesson 10

2 So far we’ve:  Identified the three principles that underpin Democracy  Looked at the 3 levels of government  Researched our chosen issues & examined ideas for action  Explored who is a ‘citizen’

3 Learning Intentions  Apply the ‘actions’ we’ve seen to our issue  Determine what we want to change about our issue  We have completed our action plan (pg 25)  Finished our Group Pitch We know we can do this when:

4 What were our results for the quiz?

5 Get going on your plan!

6 Text or tweet Write a text message or tweet (aim for no more than 150 characters!!) that summarises your issue, your viewpoint and the action plan. E.g: Local Creek filthy. Polluted & rubbish filled. Not gd enuf! Lobby council 4 working b. Email guy @ council ASAP. Swap messages with another member of your group. If they don’t understand it, then write it again.

7 Developing the group pitch.  You now need to develop a pitch which will convince your classmates that your action plan is the best!  The class will vote on it next lesson  Refer to research and sources  No more than five minutes long  Aim to involve everyone in your group

8 Success Criteria  Quality of research - Where did you get your information? Did you look at more than one source? Prove it! - What evidence did you collect? Statistics? Graphs? Interviews? Survey? Questionnaires? - Was your research relevant? Did you find out causes of the problem? Did you look at a range of opinions?

9 Success Criteria  Quality of information  Have you shown you understand this issue?  Can you explain your research in your own words? Can you talk about the issue in a way that your classmates will understand?  If you use Power point – no more than 25 words per slide.  Quality of information  Have you shown you understand this issue?  Can you explain your research in your own words? Can you talk about the issue in a way that your classmates will understand?  If you use Power point – no more than 25 words per slide.

10 Success Criteria

11 Success Criteria:  Delivery and persuasiveness of presentation - Are you keeping people interested? - Does it have a clear beginning, middle and end where everyone knows their part? - Have you used persuasive techniques? ( appealing to emotions, giving examples, involving the audience, rhetorical questions, repetition, gesture, voice...)  Delivery and persuasiveness of presentation - Are you keeping people interested? - Does it have a clear beginning, middle and end where everyone knows their part? - Have you used persuasive techniques? ( appealing to emotions, giving examples, involving the audience, rhetorical questions, repetition, gesture, voice...)

12 Homework:  Complete Group Pitch (you should divide up the tasks needed to complete this amongst your group)

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