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Measures of Association Professor Mobeen Iqbal Shifa College of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Measures of Association Professor Mobeen Iqbal Shifa College of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures of Association Professor Mobeen Iqbal Shifa College of Medicine

2 How large was the treatment effect? Measures of Association Risk Relative Risk Relative risk reduction Absolute risk reduction Numbers needed to treat

3 Risk or Event rate the number of people experiencing an event as a proportion of the number of people in the population Experimental Event Rate (EER) Control Event Rate (CER)

4 Relative Risk RR is calculated the rate of exposed or treated divided by those not exposed or treated RR= EER/CER

5 Control event rate (CER)=a/a+b= 719 / (719+5584)=11% Experimental event rate (EER)=c/c+d= 582/ (582+5584)= 9% RR= EER/CER=9/ 11= 80% Exp ODDS=a/b=582/5677 Con ODDS=c/d=719/5584 Odds Ratio=a/b c/d Event (outcome) AbsentPresent 5677 b582 aExperimtl 5584 d719 cControl Relative Risk (RR)

6 Relative Risk RR = 1 no effect (no difference) RR = < 1 protective RR = > 1 increase risk

7 Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) the difference in event rates between 2 groups, expressed as a proportion of the event rate in the untreated group; usually constant across populations with different risks Control event rate (CER)= 719 / (719+5584)=11% Experimental event rate (EER)= 582/ (582+5584)= 9% RR= EER/CER=9/ 11= 0.8 RRR= 1-RR (CER-EER/CER=1-0.8= 20 %

8 Absolute risk reduction (ARR) the arithmetic difference between 2 event rates; varies with the underlying risk of an event in the individual patient Control event rate (CER)=11% Experimental event rate (EER)= 9% RR= EER/CER= 80% RRR= 1-RR (CER-EER/CER)= 20% ARR= CER – EER = 11% - 9%= 2%

9 Number Needed to Treat (NNT) the number of patients who would have to receive the treatment for 1 of them to benefit; calculated as 100 divided by the ARR expressed as a percentage (=1/ARR) RR= EER/CER= 80% RRR= 1-RR (CER-EER/CER)= 20% ARR= CER – EER = 2% NNT= 1/ARR=1 / 2 x100=50

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