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Camp OPC 2008 “The adventure starts here!”. “Developing human potential and environmental awareness through challenging adventure programmes facilitated.

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Presentation on theme: "Camp OPC 2008 “The adventure starts here!”. “Developing human potential and environmental awareness through challenging adventure programmes facilitated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camp OPC 2008 “The adventure starts here!”

2 “Developing human potential and environmental awareness through challenging adventure programmes facilitated in a fun and supportive manner.” OPC The Adventure Starts Here by Sarah Moodie

3 Background Developed by Graeme Dingle and supported by Sir Edmund Hillary who became patron Its goal is teach people the power and the beauty of the outdoors and the potential which lies within In the first 25 years, 80 000 people have accepted the OPC’s challenge OPC is a non profit organisation “How often do people ever get to know their emotional and physical limits?” - Graeme Dingle, Founder


5 A Typical Day at Camp 6.30am Breakfast and cabin tidy 7.30am Lunch making and duties 8-9am Briefings and preparation for the day 4.30pm Return from day’s excursions 4.45pm Shower and dry clothes for next day 6pm Dinner 7.30pm Debrief and evening session 8.30pm Supper 9pm Off to bed 9.30pm Lights out “The rapport we were able to establish with our own students at OPC has been really beneficial” - Teacher


7 The Role of the Instructor On arrival an OPC instructor meets and greets us. Sets out camp expectations. All OPC instructors hold a National Certificate in Outdoor Education. Instructors will lead all activities. Teachers/Parents are in a supporting role only. Instructors and teachers meet every morning in a formal situation to assess the day’s activities. Instructors will brief adults at the beginning of an activity but urge that students take part in activities without adult help. An instructor will introduce the communal dining and debrief with the children about the day. Instructors also lead the night time activities and then wave the students to bed after preparing for the next day. “The outdoors is a powerful tool in terms of people sorting out where they are at in terms of confidence. There are no masks...” - Bev Smith, Instructor


9 Planned Activities Initiative - team building and leadership Rock and ropes - high and low Caving (dry but muddy) - local caves Orienteering Mountain climb - local hill Environment - bush walks and knowledge “I never really cared about the outdoors but now I even enjoy walking to school because there is a shortcut full of trees just like up at OPC.” - Student


11 Alternative Activities All activities are weather dependent and may change from day to day and even morning to afternoon. Alternative activities instructors may lead include: indoor rock climbing wall swimming, kayaking (indoor heated pool) resource room for ball games “Broadened my horizons, opened my mind, made me cave, built my confidence. RAD!” - Gemma, Student


13 Do’s Provide some home baking for supper Provide a big lunch for the day we travel Allow your child to bring something to read Allow your child to bring a small game “That was awesome, can I have another go” - Student on the Ropes Course


15 Do Not’s OPC is a smoke and alcohol free environment Allow your child to bring a cellphone or electronic game Buy expensive clothing or equipment just for camp “It expands opportunities, exposes kids to a different set of values and norms, a different way of looking at the environment.” - Grant Davidson, Director

16 Shoes from the Warehouse will do the job!

17 Clothing and Equipment Polyprops are essential Two pairs of shoes vital No cotton for outdoor day activities Cotton clothing eg. trackpants can be worn in the evening after showers Clothing can be hired from OPC Old clothing is required for the caving activity “OPC is a place where people can challenge themselves, society is starting to forget and close out some of the options that New Zealanders used to take for granted” - Chris Jackson, Trustee


19 Communication Parents will be given a phone number that they can call in an emergency. After hours this will be answered by Diana Feary A secure blog site will be set up and updated to keep parents informed “Our aim is to care about the people” John, OPC Manager

20 “People who should know better said that OPC would be a disaster. They said that New Zealanders would not want to go to a place like that. OPC was for kids so I went to the kids... they wanted to go and that was that.” -Graeme Dingle, Founder

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