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Unit 19: We all need recreation (A)What is recreation ? Recreation  Is an enjoyable activity that refreshes both our body and mind  Is essential for.

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2 Unit 19: We all need recreation (A)What is recreation ? Recreation  Is an enjoyable activity that refreshes both our body and mind  Is essential for us to lead a healthy life  To lead a happy life, we must divide our time among work, sleep and recreation equally. Next

3 Unit 19: We all need recreation (B)Why is recreation important ? Recreation:  Gives us relief from our stressful life  Helps us renew our strength after work  Guides young people to channel their excess energy in a useful way  Helps people spend their leisure happily Next

4 Unit 19: We all need recreation (C)How do we group recreational activities ? According to the location, recreational activities can be classified as: According to the degree of participation, recreational activities can be classified as: Indoor Outdoor Active Passive Next

5 Unit 19: We all need recreation NextBack

6 Unit 19: We all need recreation NextBack

7 Unit 19: We all need recreation NextBack

8 Unit 19: We all need recreation Back

9 Unit 19: We all need recreation The need for a special environment  Some recreational activities require a special natural environment. For examples:  Bird watching: Can only take place in wetland, like Mai Po  Rock Climbing: Can only be practised on rugged slopes  Some recreational activities do not require any special environment. For example:  Reading: You can read everywhere Next

10 Unit 19: We all need recreation (D)What recreational facilities do we have ? Next

11 Unit 19: We all need recreation Terms to learn:  Recreation - an enjoyable activity that refreshes both the body and mind  Indoor recreational activity - a recreational activity which is held inside a building  Outdoor recreational activity - a recreational activity which is held in the open  Active recreational activity - a recreational activity in which one takes part as an active player  Passive recreational activity - a recreational activity in which one is a listener or a watcher End

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