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Climbing activity: Long mixed routes Long Alp routes First ascents Big Walls Rock climbing Ice climbing.

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2 Climbing activity: Long mixed routes Long Alp routes First ascents Big Walls Rock climbing Ice climbing

3 Summer climbing activities: Bouldering - Dreveník, T2, Cliffbase, up to 9 Rock climbing -Turniská („Krv a zvratky“ 9/9+, „Sám v sebe stratený“ 9/9+, „Cyborg“ 9+) „Cyborg“ 9+) -Dreveník („10 minus“ 9/9+) -Rozlomity („Zámočníci špárou“ 9-) -Súľov („Hrana 1624“ 9) -Cliffbase („Eagle“ 9) Big Walls climbing -High Tatras „Chlapci z Everestu“ 8+, „Pavúci idú do neba“ 8-/8, Jastrabia Veža „Tulák po hviezdach“ 8-, Kežmarský Štít S „Haľkova cesta“ 8, Galéria v Ostrve „Superdiretissima“ 8, Malý Kežmarský Štít N „Stredom platne“ 8-, Malý Hrot

4 Winter climbing activities: Winter climbing activities: more than 150 winter routes in High Tatras first ascents of many hard routes ice climbing solo climbing dry tooling technically difficult mixed routes Routes selection: High Tatras: „Hrana Bieleho Kvetu“ 6 A1, Malý Kežmarský Štít, first repetition and solo climbing „Diretissima“ 5+ A2, Slavkovský Štít, first repetition „Bailando“5 A3, Pyšný Štít, first repetition Alps: Many winter routes in area of Matterhorn, Breithorn, Mont Blanc du Tacul, Aiguille Du Midi, Pré de Bar




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