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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH BASED RWM INITIATIVE A PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR INTERVENTION IN THE BLUE NILE BASIN Contributors: 1. Ktsella Nigussie 2. Million Alemayehu 3. Tesfaye."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESEARCH BASED RWM INITIATIVE A PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR INTERVENTION IN THE BLUE NILE BASIN Contributors: 1. Ktsella Nigussie 2. Million Alemayehu 3. Tesfaye Mebrhatu 4. Dereje Duressa 5. Brook Chala 6. Sileshi Mesfin 7. Markos Wonde 8. Kefyalew Ademe 9. Arege Yirga 10. Assefa Taa 11. Anteneh Zewdie

2 Outline 1. Project Interventions 2. Approach 3. Beneficiaries 4. Main activities 5. Outcomes 6. M &E and learning 7. Communication 8. Stakeholders coordination

3 Project Interventions 1. Research and Capacity building: Knowledge management and sensitization Modeling and analytical skills in rain water management, hydrology and sediment logy in model watershed Incorporate groundwater resources studs Improving quality and access of data in social, bio-physical … Research on defining BMP’s of SWC at different classes of hillslop continuum Watersheds system dynamics modeling and scenarios analysis for development planning and applications (water as a central point and consideration of different sectors: ex Livestock development)

4 2. Policy and advocacy for RWM 3. River basin planning and Implementations capacity building 4. Institutional set up evaluation and capacity building for effective RWM planning and implementation Project Interventions

5 Approach  Use of model watersheds  For example start with six community watershed 3 existing 3 new  Community based research and development practice on soil and water conservation  Consider researches in a way to fill the gaps between science and application  Innovative approach  Indigenous knowledge management  Enhance partnership with different institutions

6 Beneficiaries  Government  Researchers  University  Line experts Main activities  Research and development work in pilot watershed,  Training  Material and logistics supply for hydro met and sediment logy  Evaluation of systems reliability in institutions duty and responsibility  Policy analysis

7 Outcomes  Improved the technical capacity of researchers, planners and implementers  New methodologies of hydrology and sediment logy evaluation and management practices developed and used for real world application  Integration and clear delineation among institutions in water sector are identified and approved

8 M &E and learning  Participatory M & E  Learning: Skill transfer and knowledge management on best practices Communication  Publications  Report  Workshops  Media for policy advocacy

9 Stakeholders coordination  Facilitation of MoU among different actors in IWRM  Develop task Force and Application of exiting platforms, such as ABA, SLMP Budget allocation  Capacity building 30 %  Research and administration 50%  Stockholders consultation 20%  To be implemented in three years project duration

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