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THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC.

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Presentation on theme: "THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC funding: 6,399,098.00 € Project Web Site: EC Grant Agreement no. 282915 GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water Weather, Ocean and Water S. Grimes A. Fischer, S. Grimes, B. Combal P. Gonçalves IOC-UNESCO P. Gonçalves, H. Caumont Terradue J. van Bemmelen, R. Cossu, E. Li Santi ESA GEO infrastructure for marine assessment: improving access to ocean ecosystem data via GEOWOW GEPW-7 Barcelona, 15-16 April 2013

2 Digital Earth Communities GEOWOW Main Objectives GEOSS Infrastructure Evolution for all stakeholders (with a particular focus on the WOW SBAs), to: Facilitate discovery, access & use of …  Data (with a particular focus on the GEOSS Data Core)  Other GEO-resources Allow harmonised access to heterogeneous resources; & Promote & simplify data sharing

3 Digital Earth Communities What: A long-term vision for GEOSS - GCI evolution … …considering feedback from all the stakeholders.____ For whom: For a growing number of user categories: ranging from data providers & data specialists to multidisciplinary scientists & decision makers. How: Via a flexible architecture : with a modular approach, i.e. a set of interoperable component-based “GEOSS Infrastructure Evolutions” that respond to the community needs enabling different usage patterns: different communities will benefit from the components in different manners, according to their needs and their usual working habits. able to evolve with new components emerging from the technology landscape, however rapidly this is evolving… GEOWOW Vision ooooo

4 Digital Earth Communities GEOWOW Overview GEF, UNEP, GOOS, WCRP, Sea Around Us, CMAP, GESAMP, Cermes, OBIS, U. Plymouth, GACS

5 Digital Earth Communities Tools for marine assessment - WP6 objective: 'to support research & development of marine assessments, through availability of information from ocean data, combined with model data to feed decision-support systems.’ –Goal: to simplify complex natural system and human system interactions into indicators useful for scenarios, identification of decision points, & development of policy and management –Science Indicators Assessment for policy Multidisciplinary (natural and social) science expert group helps in identification of available global data sets, model outputs, & to develops methodologies for combining them into indicators/maps

6 Digital Earth Communities Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Forum for cooperation and coordination between governments in marine science, observation, and services. Founded in 1960 as a part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization based in Paris, France. Secretariat for the Global Ocean Observing System GOOS. Global Environment Facility Intergovernmental fund that provides grant funding to achieve global environmental benefits in the protection of biological diversity; the reduction of greenhouse gases; the protection of international waters; the prevention and reduction of releases of persistent organic pollutants; the reduction of land degradation; and the protection of the ozone layer. ~$5 billion in projects for 2011-2014. Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme Develop indicator-based methodology for assessment of transboundary water systems (Open Ocean, Large Marine Ecosystems, Rivers, Lakes, Groundwater) to inform future GEF interventions, and a partnership to conduct the assessment. 2013- 2014, GEF investment $5 million ($1 million for marine component)

7 Digital Earth Communities Transboundary Waters Assessment Global ocean – local vulnerability Focus on themes where a global commons / global environmental issues related to the oceans exist: climate, ecosystems/biodiversity, fisheries, pollution Through indicators/mapping, identify local impact to ecosystem vulnerability or human vulnerability, projected where possible

8 Digital Earth Communities Conceptual framework

9 Digital Earth Communities Built on four themes Climate change, variability, and impacts Ecosystems, habitats and biodiversity Fisheries: impact and sustainability Contaminants and pollution Scaleable mapping approach to indicators, overlaying state and projections with vulnerability of human system or natural systems, where data is available Governance assessment: architecture linking global with other scales, science-policy interface

10 Digital Earth Communities Climate: sea level rise AVISO, IPCC

11 Digital Earth Communities Climate: sea level rise AVISO, IPCC

12 Digital Earth Communities Climate/ecosyste m: ocean acidification pre-industrial today` doubling CO 2 Cao and Caldeira, GRL, 2008

13 Digital Earth Communities Ecosystems Coral reefs: local stressors and global stressors (temperature, ocean acidification)

14 Digital Earth Communities New GEOSS Data CORE: Ocean Biogeographic Information System 33 million species observations 120,000 marine species +1,000 datasets 19 OBIS nodes +100 scientific papers +7,000 citations

15 Digital Earth Communities A Vision For GEOSS Present situation –expert scientific advice identifies the required datasets –discovery : we can look in the GEO portal, but most data required is already known –data usage rights are dealt with each individual provider –downloads of individual datasets to local computing (repeatedly in case of evolving indicators) –calculations : on individual datasets, mostly for each needed spatial reference system transforms –heavy algorithm management & chaining for each workflow –web sharing platforms designed to specific audiences, but live only as long as the project Future GEOSS infrastructure?

16 Digital Earth Communities A Vision For GEOSS Future GEOSS infrastructure? –expert scientific advice identifies the required datasets –assembly : needed datasets are assembled on demand into the GEOSS infrastructure (into a cloud) –data usage rights are globally registered for scientific use –data as a service can live & remain ‘in the cloud’, for repeatability –calculations: modular infrastructure for exchange and reuse of scientist’s workspaces –repeatable environments allow for easy updates (in time or with new concepts) & scientific sharing –interactive ‘live’ web platform output maps & graphics readily part of the GCI: a legacy for other users Present situation –expert scientific advice identifies the required datasets –discovery : we can look in the GEO portal, but most data required is already known –data usage rights are dealt with each individual provider –downloads of individual datasets to local computing (repeatedly in case of evolving indicators) –calculations : on individual datasets, mostly for each needed spatial reference system transforms –heavy algorithm management & chaining for each workflow –web sharing platforms designed to specific audiences, but live only as long as the project

17 Digital Earth Communities Tools under development Cloud sandbox provisioning Data and processor validation Cloud compute provisioning Sharing of the output and results –see Roberto Cossu’s talk tomorrow morning at 9:15 in plenary for more details Repeatable computing environment –for updates –for local refinement with new or locally-held data –to share geoprocessing tools

18 Digital Earth Communities An exciting future! The marine assessment presents a real demonstration of: –Easily producing relevant & accurate assessment indicators for use by policy makers; –Using completely scalable cloud computing to process extensive algorithms, temporary infrastructure; –Setting up a domain for ‘repeatable’ calculations, allowing sharing and local re-use of geoprocessing tools; and –Using the latest computing technology to assist ocean management decisions. The methods can be translated easily to other ocean and earth science contexts to improve environmental management decisions and ultimately, sustainable development.

19 THEME[ENV.2011.4.1.3-1]: Inter-operable integration of shared Earth Observation in the Global Context Duration: Sept. 1, 2011 – Aug. 31, 2014 Total EC funding: 6,399,098.00 € Project Web Site: EC Grant Agreement no. 282915 GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water Weather, Ocean and Water

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