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REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Overview of Youth Sports  Up to 42 million children participate in recreational sports in the United.

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Presentation on theme: "REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Overview of Youth Sports  Up to 42 million children participate in recreational sports in the United."— Presentation transcript:

1 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Overview of Youth Sports  Up to 42 million children participate in recreational sports in the United States –American Sports Data, 2002 Children are at their learning best while at play….Plato

2 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration  One of the keys to PLAY is the absence of adult intervention. Freedom to create rules Modify games or made up rules Balance the playing field ….kids just playing for the fun of it! However, organized youth sports depends upon adult intervention!

3 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Structure of Youth Sports Today  Ages lowered 4 yr old T-ball  More organized leagues  More focused on winning  Quality of facilities and equipment  Lack of motor skill development  Costs  Violence and the media

4 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Positive Aspects You Would Want Children to Gain from Youth Sports Participation  FUN!!!  Self-confidence  Self-esteem  Skill building  Social skills  Sportsmanship  Fitness  Respect  Discipline  Role model  Keep off street  Conflict resolution  Responsibility  Play by the rules  Communication  Teamwork  Winning/losing  Motivation  Commitment  Leadership  Positive outlook  Physical fitness

5 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Operating a Success Youth Sports Organization  The key to operating a successful youth sports organization is operating within a philosophy that adults agree will benefit the children

6 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Does Youth Sport Need a Change?  What do you think?  Factors that might make you think there is a need… Negative parental involvement Negative coaching Finding quality volunteers Lack of fun Others?

7 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration The Problem  A large % of the 42 million kids quit playing by the age of 13. Why?

8 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration Youth Sport Issues  Modeled after professional sports  Vicarious or shocking/sensational parents  Overzealous coaches  Sport rage  Large drop out by age 13  Others?

9 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration The Kids Speak Out  57% said there is too much violence in youth sports  74% said they’ve see out- of-control adults at their games  36% cited embarrassment as the top emotion felt when witnessing bad adult behavior followed by disappointment (25%), anger (23%), and fear (16%) –Sport Illustrated for Kids

10 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration We must be PROACTIVE vs REACTIVE to change the culture of youth sports

11 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration

12 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration National Standards  October, 1987 Washington, DC 48 leading experts develop standards  The National Standards for Youth Sports Recommendation for Communities:Recommendation for Communities Provide guidance as a national policy Assist youth leagues in decision making that affects positive participation Increases confidence when a league conducts itself according to a national standard

13 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration What the Standard Suggests… 1.Change the culture 1.Leadership in community 2.Positive sports 3.Create a philosophy 4.Same as school…. 2.Appoint a professional youth sports administrator to ensure adherence to the philosophy 3.Hold everyone associated with the program accountable for their behavior

14 REC 4110 Youth Sport Programming & Administration National Standards for Youth Sports  National Standards National Standards  Marine Corp Community Services Marine Corp Community Services

15 15 That’s all folks....Have a great day!

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