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Web 2.0 for Kids Junda Liu. Background Adults learn a lot from Web Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, forums, etc. Mainly text (Youtube is different) Web 2.0.

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Presentation on theme: "Web 2.0 for Kids Junda Liu. Background Adults learn a lot from Web Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, forums, etc. Mainly text (Youtube is different) Web 2.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web 2.0 for Kids Junda Liu

2 Background Adults learn a lot from Web Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, forums, etc. Mainly text (Youtube is different) Web 2.0 Interactive and social network User-generated content Kids?GoalsChallenges

3 Website Multimedia Flash games, video and audio Pictures, smileys, etc Visual design Intuitive and fun ConsistentUISimple Minimal mouse/keyboard usage

4 Connection with course Designing for unschooled users Social development Virtual social Interactive learning no face-to-face communication

5 Expectation What are the pros/cons of Web compared to family, school, and TV? How to make website better? Learning speed of different ages Success: Kids like the wesite and use it frequently Active online interaction


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