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ADVENTURE OF KNOWLEDGE. PHYSICA INSITA MOTIVATION: Promoting the kids trust to the fact that the surrounding world is understandable on the rational basis.

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Presentation on theme: "ADVENTURE OF KNOWLEDGE. PHYSICA INSITA MOTIVATION: Promoting the kids trust to the fact that the surrounding world is understandable on the rational basis."— Presentation transcript:


2 PHYSICA INSITA MOTIVATION: Promoting the kids trust to the fact that the surrounding world is understandable on the rational basis Introducing physics as a part of cultural heritage Combining natural sciences with fine arts Revealing of the way how specific physical terms are understood by small kids Target groups: 2 classes kindergarden kids aged 4 to 6 2 classes of kids aged from 8 to 9

3 METHOD-CRAYON PHYSICS Demonstrations Hands on experiments Paintings of protocols Project outcome

4 LIMITS OF METHOD Duration of each presentation should not exceed 45 minutes Each presentation should consist of maximally 3 simple statements proven by experiments in the painting phase one must carefully balance between giving the kids unlimited freedom in expressing their impressions from experiments on one side and requiring only graphical record of realized paintings on the other side.

5 EXAMPLE: THE AIR The air occupies the space – empty glass is not empty The air can exert a force The air is compressible The hot air goes upwards –baloons The air occupies the space – empty glass is not empty The air can exert a force The air is compressible The hot air goes upwards –baloons



8 Physics in Strip Cartoons

9 EXAMPLE:SOUND Sound is mechanical wave It spreads in the space from point to point in solids, liquids and gases Concept of frequency and Resonance Sound is mechanical wave It spreads in the space from point to point in solids, liquids and gases Concept of frequency and Resonance


11 Demonstration of the fact that the sound is mechanical wave, playing on the flute or hitting on the end of the pipe the blows out the candle

12 3 experiments are displayed : A set of bottles with different amount of water = different pitch of the note Shirrs of different lengths produce different sounds Duck like sounds produced by wet cord

13 EXAMPLE:LIGHT Light wave goes straitforward Light reflects – concept of mirror Refraction of light White light –color spectrum Light wave goes straitforward Light reflects – concept of mirror Refraction of light White light –color spectrum



16 CONCLUSIONS The kids really take the course as the fun and they do not consider they learn, but they play scientists in the same way, like they play mum and daddy, doctor, policemen etc ….. Danger : one must avoid being of the MAGIC-MAN in kindergarten, and avoid kids in elementary school to transform to cyclopedia eaters –more thinking, than reading Even such a small kids are able to form their own vision of the basic physical terms, however, some are understood in a very special way- gravity is due to the big strong muscle buried deep in the ground Open task is continuing to search for optimal balance between the freedom in drawings content and the precise copying of experiments realized the day before

17 My thanks to : The kids for their enthusiasm and originality of interpretation Teachers for their interest in the project and technical help Professional painter Mgr. Art. Andrea Čepiššáková for methodical help in the painting part of the project but first of all to Dr. Marián Mihalik and Klárka Broschová as they are helping me in choosing proper topics and experiments The presented work was supported by APVV agency as LPP-003006 project entitled Scientific incubator for pupils and students

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