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Aidan Night Prayer From ©The Community of Aidan and Hilda.

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1 Aidan Night Prayer From ©The Community of Aidan and Hilda

2 Opening The day’s toil is done. The birds cease their songs. We rest our frames. As gentle rain falls on tender grass, may your gentle Spirit now fall on us. Psalm Matthew 11:28, 29 or Philippians 4:5–7 or 1 Peter 3:3, 4.

3 Gentle Aidan served you with all his powers; we will serve you with all our minds. Aidan served others with all his love; we will serve others with all our hearts. every day and night of our lives.

4 A priest sent to escort on an arduous voyage the Princess who was to become Northumbria’s queen, begged Aidan to pray for their safety. I pray to you, O Lord. Do not let the waters engulf me or the depths swallow me up, or the pit of death close its mouth over me. Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of your love. Psalm 69:13, 15, 16.

5 There may be a hymn of protection. Aidan gave the escorts a flask of blessed oil. He prophesied: ‘You will encounter storms, but remember to pour the oil on to the sea and it will become calm.’ All this happened as he had foretold. The waves swept over them and death seemed near, but when the priest poured the oil on the troubled waters, the sea became calm.

6 Divine Protector, pour your oil on the troubled waters of our lives. We bring to you the troubles of this day Calm us, and help us rest in you… any may name examples We bring to you the troubles in our places of work. Calm us, and help us rest in you… any may name examples

7 We bring to you the troubles in our relationships Calm us, and help us rest in you… any may name examples We bring to you the troubles in our church Calm us, and help us rest in you… any may name examples Lord, you call us to pour oil on troubled waters, pour generously upon those we name before you now. Calm them, and help them rest in you... any may name examples

8 Lord, you call us to pour oil on troubled waters, pour generously upon those we name before you now. Calm them, and help them rest in you... any may name examples There may be singing. Closing Aidan passed on the flame of faith: Kindle in us this night the flame of love that will never die.

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